Come with me

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Kyle's pov

"Kyle, talk to me!" Johnnie yelled, I walked to the bathroom slamming and locking the door.

"Johnnie! What's going on?" Bryan asked suspiciously, I croaked and tears fell down my face as I stood eavesdropping on the conversation from the bathroom.

"I slapped Kyle.." He announced, I felt so scared of him. He's not a violent person. He was just so mad at Alex, that he reacted bad on me.

"Go to your room." Bryan said sternly, god he's acting like his parent. I heard footsteps, and I opened the bathroom door when Johnnie was gone.

Bryan kept asking if I was okay, but I ignored him and continued walking to Johnnie's room.

"I'm so sorry.. I was so mad at Alex, and I was caught at the very wrong time. And I never ever wanted to hurt you!" He yelled, I looked down and walked over to the bed.

"Babe, I don't know. I need time to think. You slapped me.." I said quietly, He grabbed both of our hands entwining our fingers.

"Listen to me. I was pissed off, that's why I walked away.. I wanted to kill Alex, and when you walked up behind me. I was not myself. I promise you, I will never ever touch you again." He promised staring his eyes, I sighed and threw my arms around him.

He laid down on top of him, and played with my hoodie strings. I could see that he still felt horrible about what he did, but I forgive him and that's what matters.

"I kind of want to be even." I said with a smirk, he jumped off bed and I copied his movements and grabbed him.

I picked him up from his waist, and he screamed as I pulled him back to the bed. He was full of giggles as I kept tickling and poking his chest.

"K-Kyle! I'm sorry!" He said out of laughs, I smirked and turned his body around so he was face first on the bed.

I spanked him. Hard. He squeaked, and I laid on top of him hovering above him so I wouldn't squish him.

"Now, we're even." I giggled, he turned his body around and kissed me passionately.

"That's fair." He mumbled, he wrapped his legs around my waist kissing me again.

That's when the very annoying D-Fizzel walked in. I groaned, and tried to get up, but he continued kissing me. I see what he's doing, I pinned his arms down and bit at his neck.

All of this was performed in front of Damon, who had the weirdest look on his face.

"I have no words to say to this. I just wanted to make you guys weren't beating the hell out of each other, then I find sex." Damon said confused, he shook his head and walked out of our room.

I jokingly pushed Johnnie off of me and fell on the bed in fits of laughter. Johnnie laid next to me, and he wrapped his arms around me staring at me.

"So are we cool, dawg?" He asked jokingly, I nodded and laughed.

"Yeah, but I have something important to talk to you about." I said seriously, I sat up staring at him with caution.

"It's almost the end of summer." I said looking down, I put my face in my hands. He knew it was true, I just never wanted to bring it up, but I felt I had to.

"K-Kyle.. Please don't leave." He pleaded, I shook my head. He knows I can't stay.

"My mom won't let me stay here for school." I told him, tears fell down my face and he wrapped his legs around my waist as he balled his fists into my shirt.

"Hey.. Shh. Everything will be okay." I tried, but he cried more into my chest. I just wished I didn't bring it up.

"Then I'm coming with you." he said, I looked at him surprised.

"Home is where I'm with you. And if I have to go all the way to Ohio, and live there to be with you. Then I will. There's no question about it." Johnnie said staring at me, my mouth fell open.

"Come with me.. I love you so much." I said holding him close to me.

I knew I wouldn't be able to survive the school year without him, so it makes me happy he's coming with me.

"I love you too, baby. Forever and always."
This book is sadly coming to a end, but there may be a sequel! Please vote and comment for the sequel and maybe I will make one. There will be a couple more updates, then this book will sadly be done.

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