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Johnnie's pov

After a loved one dies, most want to forget and move on. But my biggest fear is me waking up and you not being the first thing on my mind. I don't want that to happen. It's been a long time, or it just feels like it. Time always went so fast with you, but now life is slowing down. I'm at my breaking point, even though I promised you I would never hurt myself like this.

I grabbed a bottle of pills out of the cabinet. I'm sorry. I cannot do this anymore, Kyle. I thought I could go on without you, but I can't. I don't want to go anywhere without you. I opened the shower curtain, and filled the bathtub.

I punched the mirror as hard as I could. Tears were streaming down my face again, I've been sort of numb. My heart doesn't know how to deal with this pain.

I heard loud foot steps. I tried to twist the cap off the pills. My head hurt so bad, and I knew my knuckles were bleeding. Bryan opened the door, and grabbed me and hugged me to his chest. I had no time to react. Richie grabbed the pills and got a bandage for my bleeding swollen knuckles.

"I want to die." I whispered, Bryan started to pick the broken glass from the floor. Richie picked me up and left the bathroom. His heart beat calmed me down a bit. He set me on my bed. He's so muscular compared to me, he could lift me over his head.

He picked the blanket and pulled it to my neck. I looked up at him with a pleading look.

"C-can you c-cuddle me?" I asked nervously, his eyes widened. Richie and I are friends, but not close friends like Jordan and I. He was surprised I asked him, but he didn't argue.

He picked up the covers and snuggled in next to me, and opened his arms. I rolled into his chest, and he held me tightly. I could hear his breathing, which somehow was unique to me. He seemed nervous, but I never asked why. This is just a cuddle, right?

The phone rang, and I jumped to it. I ran to the kitchen, but Bryan was already there.

"They found Kyle. But.." Bryan said, his eyes welled up with tears.

"What! Tell me!" I yelled, a huge smile was on my face.

"Sit down for a minute.. I'm so sorry.."


Updated! Wow. So a cuddle between Richie and Johnnie? How cute? But comment and vote! What do you think happened to Kyle? At least he's found, right? <3

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