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Kyle's pov

I was completely pinned down, it was over now. I felt defeated, I cannot even protect Johnnie.

"Bryan! Tyler!" Johnnie screamed, Tyler Hagen got to the door first and without wasting a second, he pulled Austin off me. My lip was bleeding from all his punches. Bryan grabbed Austin from Tyler, and pushed him out of our room. I'm surprised nobody punched him.

"Why didn't you call us sooner?" Tyler questioned, I shook my head.

"I thought I could do it.." I muttered, my eyes welled up with tears.

"Kyle, Austin is a strong mother fucker. You have to realize that." Bryan said walking back in our room.

"I just wanted to protect Johnnie.." I said keeping my head down, Johnnie sat next to me brushing my hair out of my face.

"You protect me from a lot of things, babe." Johnnie comforted, I looked at him confused.

"You protect me from depression, you stopped me from self harm, I haven't thought of suicide in a long ass time. You make me feel strong again.. and you love me. That's all the protection I need. You make me feel happy. Who cares if you didn't win the fight? You tried, and that means a ton to me." Johnnie explained, my heart skipped a beat.

"I would kiss you if my lip wasn't bleeding." I laughed, Tyler ran to get napkins, and medicine.

"Do you understand now though?" He asked, caressing my face. I smiled, and nodded.

"Yeah, I cannot believe Austin did this though.." I muttered, Johnnie continued pulling my hair back and massaging my back.

"He's the one who brought me fame. I feel horrible. I feel like I betrayed him or something. I went on tour with him." I said sullenly, I felt bad. Maybe I should had talked to him more.

"Kyle, we can talk about this later. He's been doing this to girls for so long, it's not your fault. None of us knew." Bryan said patting my back, Tyler nodded in agreement.

Tyler dabbed Kyle's lip with the napkin, making Kyle flinch.

"You're okay." He mumbled, he applied medicine, and stepped back.

"You should be fine in a few days." Tyler said, throwing the bloody napkins away.

"Thanks. For everything. If you and Bryan didn't walk in the time you did, I would had been worse." I said thankfully, I don't know what would go down if they didn't come in.

"I'm just happy you're okay, Kyle." Johnnie said, pecking my cheek.

Me too..

I'm happy that I'm still appreciated even though I lost the fight. It means a ton to me. I would do anything to protect Johnnie, I may not be the best fighter.

But I love him.

More than I loved anyone before.


Updated. Awhh. This was too cute. Vote and comment for fast updates! <3 I love you guys. -Madcatlady

Lost in love ( Kohnnie )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora