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Johnnie's pov 1 hour later

"You've been staring at me for ten minutes..." I said awkwardly, while rocking back and forth on my chair.

"Uh.. I-I.." Kyle sputtered, I yawned and crossed my arms. I'm losing patience.

He grabbed me by my shirt, and pulled me on top of him. I had no time to think before he smashed his lips to mine. I started wiggling trying to get out of his hold. I pulled back and raised my fist. Kyle let go of me, and I raced out of the room.

I reached the bathroom slamming the door.

As much as I "hated" that kiss, my bright red cheeks said different.

No. No. No. This cannot be right. I always felt comfortable around Kyle, and felt he was a great friend. But.. I don't know if I could date him.

That would ruin our friendship, and I can't lose Kyle completely..

It hurts me a lot, I can't comprehend how meaningful our friendship is to me.

I cried in front of the mirror, before Bryan barged in.

He already had his pants half way down, and I can actually say I saw Bryan's penis. For the first time, I feel like I will never see Bryan the same again.

He screamed, and yanked his pants up. Probably at the looks of it, nearly pissing himself.

"I'm sorry! I had no idea you were in here!" Bryan yelled embarrassed, I shrugged.

"After I piss, we can talk, alright?" Bryan asked, I nodded and left the bathroom.

I leaned against the wall putting my face back into my hands.

"Johnnie.. I'm so sorry.." Kyle mumbled, he moved my hands making me cry more.

Kyle had dry tears stained on his perfect face. His brown eyes were sparkling, I never seen someone so beautiful.

The one thing I didn't notice at first, was Kyle's whole left arm.

'Johnnie' was dug into his skin, bright red blood dripping down his arm and he was shaking with agony.

I kept trying to say something, but nothing came out. I was broken inside, seeing Kyle all hurt killed me..

Bryan walked out of the bathroom, not even paying attention to us.

"I wouldn't go in the bathroom for awhile, it might smell like shi-" He started, then he completely shut his mouth.

He was speechless, Kyle's blood was dripping on to the wooden floor, we knew he need stitches.

Kyle stood there with a small smile, he was pleased with himself, he was pleased with the pain. He felt he deserved it.

My heart was crushed, I was the one who caused this....

If only there was one way to erase all the shit that happened.. Because I do love Kyle.. I really do..

A scream went out my lips when Kyle collapsed on to the wooden floor. Bryan cursed under his breath and dialed an ambulance.

Kyle is the one person I never wanted to hurt..

And I hurt him.. I made him self harm after 2 months being cutting free..

Oh, Kyle.. I do love you.

Early update! (: If you guys want another one, then vote!

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