Here I come

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Johnnie's pov
Bryan sat me down on the coach, he had tears streaming down his face. His heart was seriously breaking for me, and that scared me.

"Kyle is pronounced dead." Bryan said shaking his head, he couldn't even believe it.

"No. He's not dead.." I stuttered, tears welled up my eyes again. I felt so numb, my body was shaking.

"They found him, and he had a wound to the head and was extremely dehydrated. Paramedics tried to wake him up, but he wouldn't. His heart beat is barely there. It's at such a low pace, we don't know how much time he has." Bryan explained slowly, he knew I had a hard time keeping up. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I w-want t-to see him." I muttered, I stood from the coach and ran toward the front door.

Bryan grabbed the keys and I slid into the front seat. Bryan started the car, as I fell in a daze.

My heart hurt, I felt like I could practically die from heart break.

"H-hello there, L-Little w-wallflower.." I sang quietly, that's what I called Kyle. That song was for him. My love for him.

Time flew fast, and we were already in the parking lot. I sprinted down the pavement, and Bryan followed close behind.

Here I come, Kyle. We met the front desk, and they gave us the room number. We continued running then I pushed open Kyle's door.

Kyle's body was still, barely moving. Needles were injected into him, his heartbeat was almost inexistent. I covered my face with my hands.

I put my fingertips to his soft innocent face. It should had been me. Why didn't Alex and Austin attack me? Why? Tears dripped off my chin falling on his face.

"Hello there little wallflower, How do I even begin to say, You stick out like a sore thumb, but that's okay, 'Cause that's the reason I found you today.." I sang to him, even though I knew it wouldn't wake him. I fell to my knees and buried my face into his chest.

Oh, wallflower, why can't you just wake up and stay..
Updated.. I'm sorry this is so sad.. I feel horrible. I cried writing this, but please vote and comment for the next update <3

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