Shut up, Bryan

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Johnnie's pov

"You told him to leave!" I yelled at him, tears were streaming down my face. He's gone, I lost the most amazing person in the world. I felt my heart break in half. I put my face in my hands, and sat up from my bed for the first time in six hours.

"You said you wanted him to leave.." Bryan said apologetically, I jumped off my bed and ran into Kyle's room, his stuff was already gone. I punched the wall, and ran downstairs grabbing Bryan's keys.

"Dude! What are you doing-" Bryan yelled, I cannot even drive yet, what the fuck am I thinking?

"I'm going to get Kyle back!" I announced, we were running out of time and Kyle is probably already at the airport.

"Ugh. Fine, I will drive you. You are not driving my car." He laughed, I tossed him the keys and hopped into his car. I was already shaking, getting Kyle back is a must.

I finally got the guts to call Kyle, I knew he wouldn't pick up but I had to try.

———————— skipping car ride —————————

I sprinted into the airport, and turned on my tracker for Kyle's phone. Kyle kept losing his phone, so I put a tracker on it as a joke. I never thought it would be so helpful at a time like this.

Bryan raced after me, my hair was flying behind me. I could see Kyle, but he was so far. I just never fail to notice his big brown eyes from far distances.

He was sitting on a bench next to citizens waiting for the next plane. I screamed his name, and he stood up looking around.

I was getting closer now, my legs were running as fast as they could.

"Kyle David Balls!" I screamed, he looked up and noticed me. I continued running until I jumped into his arms. I held him against me, people started leaving to get on the plane, but he didn't move.

"I love you, Kyle. And you are not getting on that plane."


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