Chapter 27 Words that bleed heart

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Seulgi's heart raced as she rushed into the clinic, her primary concern being Irene's well-being, not her own bleeding wounds. The sight of Irene lying in the bed, with Jennie standing protectively beside her, was a stark reminder of how far things had fallen between them. Before she could utter a word, Irene's voice cut through the tense silence.

"I never thought you would do such things to me," Irene began, her tone laced with anger and disappointment. "I wish I had never seen you in my life. The biggest mistake I made was letting you into my life."

Seulgi, trembling and on the verge of tears, whispered softly, "Won't you believe me, Irene? Is there no trace of care left for me, Hyun?" Her voice held a pleading quality, but Irene's anger remained unyielding.

"Care?" Irene scoffed, her words dripping with venom. "You lost my care and trust a long time ago. I won't even care if you disappear from my life, Seulgi. And one more thing, it's Miss Bae for you. You have no right to call me by my first name."

The venom in her words cut deep, and the room was engulfed in an uncomfortable silence.

As Irene's words poured out, heavy with anger and disdain, her intent to wound Seulgi became painfully evident. The harshness in her tone cut through the already tense air of the clinic. Seulgi, trembling and on the verge of tears, sought a glimmer of understanding from Irene, a shred of compassion, something to bridge the chasm between them.

Before Irene's harsh monologue could escalate any further, Jennie intervened, "IRENE!!" shouting Irene's name in an urgent tone. She was acutely aware of the gravity of the situation, recognizing that Irene's anger had blinded her to the potential consequences of her words. Jennie's interjection was a desperate plea for Irene to reconsider, to prevent her from saying things she might later deeply regret.

However, despite Jennie's intervention, Irene was unable to contain the torrent of emotions that had overtaken her. Her anger, disappointment, and feelings of betrayal had reached a boiling point, and her words continued to flow, each one a hammer driving the wedge further between her and Seulgi.

Jennie's attempt to halt Irene's harsh words proved in vain, as the walls of resentment that had built up over time came crashing down in that moment. The deep-seated pain and anger they both harbored led to a profound rupture, one that would leave scars on both of their hearts, leaving them to grapple with the aftermath of their emotional outbursts.

Before Irene could retract her harsh statement, after realising what she had said, her eyes met Seulgi's, and the depth of hurt and sorrow she saw left her momentarily stunned.

As Seulgi stood there, her head bowed at a ninety-degree angle, a deep sense of regret filled the room. Jennie sensed the impending disaster and wished for a way to prevent more hurtful words from being exchanged. She turned to Irene, urging her to intervene and prevent Seulgi from bowing, but Irene remained paralyzed by her own harsh actions.

Tears welled up in Seulgi's eyes as she offered a heartfelt apology by kneeling down on both of her knees, her voice quivering with emotion. "I'm sorry, Miss Bae, for everything I've done," Seulgi confessed, the weight of her own mistakes heavy in her words. "I will never disturb you anymore. If you want, I'll resign from my job here, but I'll cherish the moments we had together. Thank you for showing me what true love is. I'm very sorry for everything."

The sincerity in Seulgi's words struck a chord in the room, but it was too late. Irene remained silent, her tongue unable to articulate the words she now wished she could take back. Jennie watched Seulgi, who, after her apology, bowed deeply to both Irene and herself, and then swiftly exited the room. Irene's regret and pain were palpable, and they were left in the echoing aftermath of the emotional storm that had just unfolded.

Irene's trembling hands gripped the edge of the table, her earlier anger slowly dissipating as she began to comprehend the magnitude of her actions. The harsh words she had uttered hung heavily in the air, and a profound sense of regret washed over her. Her chest tightened, and anxiety crept in as she realized that she had lashed out at Seulgi in a moment of anger, saying things she couldn't take back.

In her distress, Irene turned to Jennie, her eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and disbelief. Her voice quivered as she spoke, "What have I done, Jennie? Oh my God..." Her realization weighed heavily upon her, and she felt overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation.

Jennie, ever the calm and composed friend, reached out to Irene. She gently placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and said, "Irene, you're upset right now, and I understand that. But Seulgi deserves an apology, and you deserve a chance to make amends. Let's try to talk to her, to make things right. It's not too late, and we can work through this."

"In the heat of anger, words often cut deeper than any blade, leaving wounds that may never heal."

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