Chapter 21: Echoes of Silence

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Days turned into weeks, and Seulgi's life became a monotonous routine. Her friends noticed a stark change in her behavior, especially during lunch breaks. Seulgi no longer entered the cafe to have her lunch with them, and they assumed she must be dining elsewhere. Little did they know that she had stopped eating properly altogether.

Seulgi would quietly slip away from the office during her lunch break. Her destination was the same every day – her parents' grave. The cemetery had become her sanctuary, a place where she could find solace amidst the chaos of her life. She would sit there, sharing her thoughts with her parents, as if they could hear her from the other side.

Her friends were concerned about her deteriorating weight, but they couldn't fathom the depth of her emotional struggle. They had seen the vibrant, lively Seulgi become a mere shadow of her former self, but they had no idea how much she is suffering.

Nights were equally challenging for Seulgi. Her apartment, once filled with warmth and laughter, had become an abyss of silence. She couldn't bear the quietness, the absence of Irene's presence, and the hollowness that seemed to echo through the rooms. It was a silence that gnawed at her heart, a reminder of what she had lost.

Seulgi often found herself wandering in the park, or returning to her parents' grave under the moonlight. These were the only moments when the world seemed to make sense, when she felt the closest to her parents and the furthest from the turmoil that had taken over her life.

In those quiet moments, Seulgi's heart ached with the emptiness that had taken root inside her, and she longed for the day when the silence in her apartment would be replaced with laughter and happiness once more.

"Silence is the loudest cry," Seulgi thought to herself, as the weight of her solitude pressed down on her soul.

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