Chapter 13: A Misunderstanding Unraveled

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The next day, Seulgi headed to the office, unaware of the storm that was about to descend upon her life. Jennie had requested some documents from her office, and Seulgi had decided to retrieve them on her way in. Little did she know that this simple task would lead to a terrible misunderstanding.

As Seulgi entered Jennie's office, she began searching for the requested documents. She was so focused on her task that she didn't hear the soft footsteps behind her. Suddenly, a heavy blow struck the back of her head, sending a sharp jolt of pain through her body.

Dizziness washed over Seulgi, and her vision became blurry. She struggled to maintain her balance, clutching onto Jennie's desk for support. Before she could fully comprehend what was happening, she felt someone standing close behind her.

It was the same employee who had relentlessly pursued her in the past, even after being rejected. Driven by anger and resentment, he had followed Seulgi into Jennie's office, intending to confront her.

In the dimly lit office, the situation quickly escalated. With Seulgi still disoriented from the blow to her head, the employee's actions seemed inappropriate and unsettling. Unbeknownst to both of them, this situation was about to be witnessed by an unexpected guest.

The door suddenly swung open, and there stood Irene, her face twisted with anger and confusion. She saw Seulgi bent over Jennie's desk, the employee standing closely behind her, and immediately, her thoughts raced to a terrible conclusion.

In a fit of rage and misunderstanding, Irene couldn't contain her emotions any longer. She rushed toward Seulgi, her hand striking out and delivering a harsh, stinging slap across Seulgi's face. The room fell silent, the tension palpable.

Seulgi, still reeling from the blow to her head and now the slap, tried to speak, but her words were jumbled and confused. Before she could explain, Irene, in a fit of anger, reached down and removed the promise ring that Seulgi had given her.

With a look of disgust and betrayal, Irene threw the ring on Seulgi's face, the small piece of jewelry hitting her cheek before falling to the ground. Harsh, hurtful words poured from Irene's lips, expressing her deep disappointment and anger.

"I regret ever giving you a chance, Seulgi. I can't believe I trusted you," Irene said bitterly. "I'm disgusted by you. We're done."

With that, Irene turned on her heels and stormed out of Jennie's office, leaving Seulgi standing there, heartbroken and confused, unable to defend herself or explain the grave misunderstanding that had just taken place.

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