Chapter 19: The Unending Struggle

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Seulgi arrived at the office, having changed her soaking wet clothes with a set she had kept in her car. Her appearance today was far from her usual vibrant self. The constant downpour from the previous night had left her looking extremely pale, and her eyes held a weariness that spoke of a sleepless night. It was as if the weight of the world had settled upon her shoulders.

Today was a day of reckoning. She had a meeting scheduled with Irene, Jennie, and all her friends, which also included Irene's ex-girlfriend. The sight of Seulgi's disheveled state did not go unnoticed. Irene and her friends exchanged glances, concern etched on their faces, but they brushed it off, thinking that Seulgi had always been prone to such erratic behavior.

As the meeting began, Seulgi presented her file with the usual poise she held, but there was a tiny error that had slipped through her meticulous preparations. Irene, who was known for her perfectionism, was quick to catch it. Her anger flared, and she scolded Seulgi in front of everyone, her words sharp and cutting.

"Seulgi, you should focus on your work instead of flirting with others. This is a professional setting, and your mistakes are becoming a burden to us all," Irene snapped, her voice laced with frustration.

Seulgi lowered her head and bowed as an apology, her voice barely above a whisper. The words stung, but she took them without protest. She couldn't help but feel as if the world was closing in on her.

Jennie, who sat beside Irene, reached out a hand to comfort her friend and urged Irene to let it go, emphasizing that it was a minor error. But Irene seemed unrelenting, her eyes cold as she continued to berate Seulgi. It was an uncomfortable and painful moment for everyone present.

Jennie, however, noticed Seulgi's dire state and wondered what was truly bothering her. She thought about the hours Seulgi had spent in the rain, the haggard look in her eyes, and the uncharacteristic mistake she had made. Something was definitely amiss.

When Seulgi dared to glance toward Irene's ex-girlfriend, she caught a sly smirk on her face. The woman's expression quickly shifted to neutrality when she realized she had been noticed by Irene. Irene concluded the meeting with a stern warning to Seulgi, stating that it was her last chance, and any further mistakes would result in her termination.

Seulgi nodded, her voice barely more than a whisper, and returned to her office, her steps heavy with exhaustion. As she lay down on the couch, she let out a long, weary sigh. In that moment, she couldn't help but wonder if she was slowly losing herself, drowning in a sea of troubles, and struggling to find her way back to the surface.

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