Chapter 20: A Venomous Encounter

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One day, as Seulgi sat in her office, trying to focus on her work despite the emotional turmoil that weighed on her, Irene's ex-girlfriend entered the room unannounced. There was a predatory glint in her eyes as she approached Seulgi. Her voice dripped with venom as she spoke.

"You know, Seulgi, I'm back, and I'm here to win Irene back," she hissed, her tone full of malevolence. "I'll do whatever it takes to make that happen, and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

Seulgi, sitting at her desk, looked up at Irene's ex-girlfriend with a calm expression. She knew the woman had no good intentions and harbored ill will toward her. But Seulgi had no intention of engaging in a verbal battle. She had already lost so much, and she didn't want to waste any more energy on fruitless conflicts.

With a simple nod, Seulgi replied, "I have no plans to win Irene back. Whatever happened between us is in the past, and I've moved on."

Despite Seulgi's response, Irene's ex-girlfriend was undeterred. She loaded Seulgi with excessive work, berating her at every opportunity. As the days passed, Seulgi found herself struggling to find the motivation to go to the office. Her soul felt adrift, disconnected from her surroundings, and she couldn't help but feel that the world was becoming increasingly unfair to her.Every day was a challenge, and Seulgi couldn't escape the cloud of darkness that seemed to follow her.

Seulgi's life had become a relentless cycle of work, stress, and solitude. Irene's ex-girlfriend's persistent attempts to make her life miserable only added to the mounting pressure. She loaded Seulgi with excessive work, intentionally giving her tasks that would make her miss deadlines. Each time Irene scolded Seulgi for her perceived shortcomings, there was someone secretly happy in her discomfort.

To avoid Irene's scoldings, Seulgi began to stay at the office late into the night. She immersed herself in work, sometimes working until the early hours of the morning. As a result, her health deteriorated rapidly, and she neglected her own well-being. She hardly ate, slept for only a few hours, and the stress was taking its toll.

One fateful evening, after another late night at the office, Seulgi decided it was time to head home. As she walked into the dimly light, the world seemed to sway around her. Dizziness overcame her, and her legs gave way. She began to fall to the ground, only to be caught by the company's security guard who happened to be passing by.

Worried for Seulgi's well-being, the security guard rushed her to the nearest hospital. The doctor who examined her delivered an alarming verdict—Seulgi was severely dehydrated, and her overall health had been gravely compromised due to chronic stress, sleep deprivation, and malnutrition.

The doctor's advice was stern: Seulgi needed to take better care of herself. She had to prioritize her health and well-being, or her body would continue to bear the brunt of the relentless pressure she was under. Seulgi nodded in agreement, her voice barely above a whisper.

Leaving the doctor room, she spotted the security guard waiting for her. She thanked him and asked him not to tell this to anyone as she doesn't want anyone to worry about her.

The security guard hesitated for a moment but eventually agreed, realizing that he couldn't deny Seulgi this small request. He dropped her off safely at her apartment, making sure she was alright before he left. Grateful for his assistance, Seulgi quietly thanked him before stepping inside her now too-quiet home.

As Seulgi lay in her bed, her thoughts turned to the cruel turn her life had taken. The weight of her loneliness, stress, and isolation pressed down on her, making her feel like a fading light in the vast darkness of her world.

"In the silence, I feel myself fading, like a distant star in the night sky, unnoticed and alone." , Seulgi thought.

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