Chapter 1: A Chance Encounter

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Seulgi adjusted her tie nervously, glancing at her reflection in the shiny elevator doors as they ascended to the upper floors of the grand skyscraper that housed Irene's multinational company. Her heart raced with anticipation as she thought about the job interview she was about to face. Beside her stood her two closest friends, Joy and Wendy, who had decided to embark on this journey with her.

As the elevator doors slid open, the trio stepped into a world of polished marble floors and sleek, modern design. The company's sprawling headquarters was a testament to its global success. Seulgi couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and excitement wash over her.

"Wow, this place is incredible," Seulgi muttered to her friends.

Joy nodded in agreement, her face adorned with a permanent grin. "I've heard they have a fantastic work culture here. It's almost like a dream job."

Wendy chimed in, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. "And the best part is, we'll get to work directly under the CEO herself. I've heard she's a formidable woman, but it's an amazing opportunity."

The trio had been inseparable since their college days, and they were determined to conquer the corporate world together. Their dreams had led them to this moment, and they were more than ready to prove their worth.

After what seemed like an eternity of filling out paperwork and waiting in the pristine lobby, a suited receptionist finally escorted them to the executive floor. As they entered the elegant corridor, Seulgi couldn't help but wonder about the CEO, Irene. She had never seen her pictures. She is a private person.

They finally reached the office where the interviews were being conducted. The receptionist gestured for them to take a seat, promising that someone would be with them shortly. Seulgi's heart continued to race, and her palms grew clammy with anticipation.

Just as they were about to exchange nervous glances, the office door opened, and a stern-looking woman walked out. She gave them a brief nod before leaving, her heels clicking against the polished floor. It was a stark contrast to the cheerful atmosphere that had greeted them at the entrance.

The trio exchanged curious glances. "She must be the CEO," Joy whispered.

Wendy nudged Seulgi playfully. "Remember, we need to make a good impression on her. Keep your flirting attitude low."

Before Seulgi could reply, a voice called out from inside the office, "The next group, please come in."

They filed into the office, their eyes scanning the tasteful decor and the commanding view of the city from the floor-to-ceiling windows. At the far end of the room, behind an imposing desk, sat the CEO, Irene. She appeared engrossed in a pile of documents, her fingers tapping lightly on the polished wood.

As they approached her, Seulgi couldn't help but feel a jolt of recognition. She had seen this woman before, but where? Then, it hit her. It was the memory of a lively night at a bar, and the unmistakable face of the lady who had caught her eye. A night that had ended with a surprise, inebriated kiss.

Irene looked up from her work, her eyes meeting Seulgi's. For a moment, time seemed to stand still, and Seulgi was frozen in her tracks.

Wendy noticed Seulgi's reaction and whispered, "What's wrong?"

Seulgi barely managed to stammer, "I told you yesterday, I saw a beautiful lady at the bar, and due to the influence of alcohol, we kissed. That lady is our CEO."

Wendy's eyes widened with shock, and she shot a quick glance at Irene, who had a subtle flicker of recognition in her eyes.

Irene recovered her composure quickly, her CEO facade in place. She acknowledged them, "You must be the next group for the interviews. I'm Irene. Let's proceed."

The room was filled with tension, with secrets hanging in the air. Seulgi knew she had just stepped into a world of complexity that she could never have anticipated. Little did she know that this chance encounter would change the course of her life, and Irene's, in ways they couldn't yet imagine.

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