~Chapter 7: Home once more ~

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Sorry for delay and late realease, Iv'e just been busy but I'm back now so I won't be distracting you with this anymore.

On With DA BOOK!

This was it, the mission where they were going to retrieve their scout, Bumblebee and return hin home where he belongs.

Optimus has finally peaced every part of the plan together and they were all now ready, ready for the decepticons and the retrieval of Bee.

All Optimus had to do was make sure he got close enough to Bumblebee for this to work, No this had to work, there was no other option.

As Optimus was rethinking everything, making sure it was perfect, he felt a servo tap his shoulder lightly.

He turned to see Ratchet...with Rafael of course sitting on his shoulder with worried, but hopeful eyes.

"Are you sure your ready Optimus." Ratchet asked curiously for he believed Optimus would be on the verge of crying if this plan had not worked for this was really their last hope.

"Positive old friend, do not worry for me, I believe you two want him back as much as I do."

Ratchet and Raf quickly locked eyes with eachother and smiled.

Optimus rose an optic ridge at this, for he was now confused, because of the smile they had exchanged to each other.

"Optimus." Ratchet started.

"Yes Ratchet?" Optimus asked still confused, "Rafael also knows that you have feelings for our scout, and who knows this mission might bring more then just your love into it."

Optimus now had a loght blue blush on his face and slowly looked away to regain his composure.

"If you say so Ratchet."

Rafael giggled slightly and looked back to Ratchet, and the two left without saying another word.

Then the alarms went off...

Ratchet was seen rushing to the controls to see what was happening.

"What is the distress."

"Decepticons...and they have Bumblebee with them."Ratchet slightly whispered the last part, but Optimus' audio receptors heard that loud and clear."

Ratchet then opened the groundbridge and they were off, as they went through they were immediately greeted by the gazes of Megatron, Goldbug and Starscream.

"Ah, Prime, I was wondering when you might show up, it took you quite a while have you finally given up on your precious scout mission."Megatron said with an evil grin attached to his face.

"Never Megatron."Was all words Optimus exchanged before he and Megatron battled it out once more.

After a few fights Arcee and Bulkhead had interviewned, which gave Optimus an opporotunity to go to Goldbug.

"Goldbug..."Optimus saif as he slight shiver went down his spine all Optimus could hear was a grunt.

"Ugh, you again, I told you I am not the bot you are looking for and or once knew, so buzz of or else."

Optimus' optics widened in shock, did he just challenge him to battle, I don't want to hurt him...Optimus thought.


If we battle I might get a chance to get close to him and cure him, well kiss him...

"You want to batte Goldbug, I'll take my chances." Optimus said calmly showing no fear, but inside he was screaming and running away careful not to hurt Bee.

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