~Chapter 2 :The truth must be told~

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Chapter 2, hope you enjoy I am tired so it might be a little short, anyways back to the story. This took about three or more days so enjoy.



Bumblebee was resting his helm on Optimus's lap, as Optimus was stroking Bee's helm in circles and all sorts of shapes.

Bumblebee's crying and sobbing soon hummed down and he was now calmer.

Optimus then noticed this and asked, "You feel better now Bumblebee?"

But Bumblebee could only nod.

"Good, good now if you don't mind telling me what you and Ratchet had talked about earlier?"

Bumblebee kept quiet until...
Bumblebee had started shaking again now and slowly sat up and out of Optimus's lap.

Bumblebee started crying more now, as memories of the past and present were flowing through his processor.

Optimus's optics widened in shock as his worries shot sky high for Bumblebee.


Bumblebee then jumped into Optimus's arms and cried into his chassis leaving a few marks.

Optimus still in shock then gently started rubbing Bee's back hoping to comfort the poor scout. And that seemed to have worked, the scout calmed down and slowly started talking. "R-ratchet and I were talking about, w-well maybe it will be e-easier if I just show y-you Optimus." Bumblebee beeped.

Bumblebee then looked down at his wrists and showed the scars to Optimus, Optimus's eye widened in shock at the scars and the energon leaking out of some of them. "Bumble-bee."

"What happened, what is this?" Optimus said in utter worriedness with a hint of anger in his tone, but Bumblebee kept quiet yet again and ignoring Optimus's question. Optimus then put his one servo under Bumblebee's chin and used his digits to make Bee look at him.

Bumblebee could be seen blushing slightly. Luckily Optimus was too angry to see.

"Bumblebee I will ask this one more time, What happened?" Optimus said in a stern voice clearly angry and worried. Bumblebee letting our a bit of tears from his optics managed to say, "Me..."

Optimus's face then turned into a frown and he sighed, "Why?" He said. "I-I don't kno-" Bee beeped out in fear of the outcome. Optimus then stood up and crouched before Bumblebee. Bee's optics followed Optimus and soon they locked optics, "I promise not to be mad just tell me...why and are you okay?"

Bumblebee nodded indicating that he was okay, but kept quiet for a few minutes before he answered Optimus's question, "I-I just don't think-" He started but didn't finish until Optimus spoke up.

"You think what, Bee I'm hear please tell me." Optimus then took Bee's servo in his own and squeezed it ever so gently. "I don't think I'm good enough..." Bumblebee whispered in between beeps, now this came as shock to Optimus and would to everyone else as well, for Bumblebee was usually so happy and optimistic all the time, what's the difference now?


Bumblebee locked optics with Optimus yet again and they stood there silent looking at each other, "You are good enough, now why would you say something like that, why injure yourself there has to be more to the sto-" 

Before Optimus could finish his sentence the emergency alarm went off and Ratchet could be heard calling them. "We shall discuss this further after the mission." Bumblebee gave a slight nod and they went to the control room.

"What's going on Ratchet?" Optimus asked keeping his composure. Ratchet looked at Optimus and opened the groundbridge, "Decepticon attack at one of the military out posts." Optimus nodded and they were off leaving Ratchet and the humans alone at base.

"So what we going to do Ratchet." Miko asked, Ratchet looked at Miko blankly and shrugged before going on with his work, "But Ratchet-" Ratchet still not looking at the humans said, "Keep yourself preoccupied I'm busy.

"Fineeeeee." Miko said giving up on teasing Ratchet.

Meanwhile with the rest...

"Keep well hidden we do not want to cause anymore disturbance, Arcee nodded and silently went over to where Knockout and Breakdown were standing with Bulkhead not far behind following.

That means that only Optimus and Bumblebee remained. Optimus turned to Bumblebee and said. "Please forget about our conversation earlier and retrieve what the Decepticons have stolen from the humans, it might be of assistance to us if Megatron is looking for it."

Bumblebee nodded and was off.

They were successful and was now safe back at base well most of them for Bumblebee had taken a seriously cruel hit from Breakdown in the abandom.

Ratchet soon patched up Bumblebee's injury and Optimus who was standing behind Ratchet thanked him for his service before continuing to talk to the scout. "Ready to tell me now?" Optimus asked as calmly as possible.

Bumblebee beeped and replied with a Yes.

"Umm...right I was telling Op that I think I am not good enough and my parents also told me that a lot as a sparkling, so when I remembered that I started cutting myself, but rarely and Ratchet noticed one day so that's how he knew and why he was so mad earlier today." Bumblebee buzzed and beeped.

Optimus nodded in understanding and stepped took Bumblebee's servo in his own yet again, which made Bumblebee a bit embarrassed and flustered with an ever so slightly blue blush.

Optimus chuckled a bit, I know not very prime like, but he still did, "Sorry if I startled you Bumblebee, I was just simply trying to comfort you, and to tell you that you are more then good enough sure you may have a lot to still learn, but you have come a long way and have achieved so much, I couldn't ask for a better scout." Optimus then finished his sentence off with a smile.

He then stood up out of his crouching position and offered a servo to Bumblebee to stand up, which Bee of course happily took.

They then went over to the others, Bumblebee to Arcee and Bulkhead who were currently with the humans and Optimus to Ratchet who was currently working on his new energon formula further Synthetic energon.

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day for the bots especially for Optimus and Bumblebee, I'd say they had the roughest day out of all the bots, well except for Ratchet who of course had to deal with Miko all afternoon.

He was mad...


Hope you enjoyed chapter 2 more coming soon sorry if it's a bit shorter i lost track of time and forgot somethings so yea anyways hope you liked reading my story and chapter, see you next time

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Hope you enjoyed chapter 2 more coming soon sorry if it's a bit shorter i lost track of time and forgot somethings so yea anyways hope you liked reading my story and chapter, see you next time.

Word Count:1117



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