~Chapter 1: What is this feeling~

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Chapter 1 out of many, anyways I hope you enjoy the book like all my other book, I'm almost done with my other two books so hope you enjoy them as well.

Universe :Tfp
(Transformers Prime)

Around Season 1 and 2

Enjoy it~

Took abt two days or so


Bumblebee was walking out from his berthroom on the way to the control room, where he had met the optics of Optimus,Arcee and Bulkhead.

Ratchet was too busy with his work to notice him coming in.

Optimus then called Bumblebee, Arcee and Bulkhead over.

"What do you need Optimus?"Arcee asked, expecting it to be a mission, but instead it was an order to go and retrieve the human kids from school.

"I want you to all go and pick up the children up from school.Arcee you will pick up Jack, and Bulkhead Miko."

Optimus then placed a hand on Bumblebee's shoulder and said, "And Bumblebee you shall pick up Rafael."

Bumblebee had blushed a little blue, when Optimus had slightly placed a servo on his shoulder pad.

Soon they had all left to go and pick up the children.

After a few minutes they arrived back at the base.

Ratchet looked down at them and shrugged.

"What are they doing here."

Miko laughed a little and said, "Oh don't be like that Ratchet after all its the weekend so your stuck with us."

Miko then walked up to the tv and challenged Jack to a racing video game while Raf had just spectated the game.

And Bumblebee and Bulkhead came to watch as well.

Bulkhead of course was cheering Miko on while Bumblebee and Raf just laughed at them.

Arcee was working with Ratchet and Optimus was who knows where, doing Prime stuff.

After a few moments Optimus came back from what he was doing and walked over to Bumblebee and the other.

"What are you all doing?"Optimus said raising an optic ridge.

"Hello Boss Bot and were just playing or rather watching Miko and Jack play."Bulkhead informed Optimus.

Optimus just nodded and looked at Bee and Raf, Optimus found Bumblebee's laugh rather cute.

He found that the feeling he was also feeling was interesting and quite odd, for he had never felt this way before.

But Optimus simply chose to put this feeling aside for now.

Bumblebee then saw Optimus looking at him and turned his face away due to his blushing.

Optimus raised his optics ridge yet again, and asked Bumblebee if something was troubling him.

But Bumblebee just shook his head no.

Optimus could of course see that Bumblebee was lying, but decided not to force it out of him.

For Optimus believed Bumblebee had, had a good reason for lying to him.

Bumblebee then stopped himself from blushing any further and continued to go back and watch the kids play games and watch tv.

They watched Looney Toons as well.

"Optimus!"Ratchet had called over from his work table.

Optimus then proceeded to walk over to Ratchet.

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