~Chapter 5: A Possible Cure ~

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Chapter 5 time, anyways hope you enjoy, sorry for the long wait sports and school came up and who knows maybe Bee will be back at home in thihates chapter r not the possibility is there so that's all that matters any ways no more spoilers, on with da book, enjoy byeeeeeeeeee.



Laughing could be heard all over the control room, the decepticons were celebrating their victory against the Autobots and having to do it with there new comrad Bumbl-Goldbug for say.

Goldbug though was currently sitting in his newly build berthroom, thinking, if your curious as to what he is thinkinh about well, himself actually more or less Bumblebee.

/Why did they keep calling me Bumblebee?Ugh I it, such s stupid name, but why does it pain me so...I sort of feel sorrow.../

Goldbug shook his head and decided to go for a walk around the Nemesis.Goldbug got yet again lost in his thoughts and bumped into Megatron.

Megatron was mad at first, but saw that it was Goldbug, he calmed down, worried that if he did Bumblebee or Goldbug would remember some memories(His memories got erased forgot to say that sorry)

/Sorry My lord/Goldbug said with a bow. Megatron then said, "It is alright Goldbug, just watch where you are going next time, now may I ask what is wrong, you look lost in thought."

Goldbug took a few moments to answer. But after a little while he shook his head to get himself out of thought, "Do not worry my league I am done thinking about it, so it should not be a bother."

Megatron shrugged knowing that that wasn't true, but decided to let it be and walked off further leaving Goldbug there.

Goldbug then walked off in the opposite direction of Megatron.
/Maybe I should just keep this to myself, hmm actually I am going to go and ask Soundwave or maybe Starscream about it./

And Goldbug proceeded to just do that, a knock could be heard on Soundwave's berthroom door, the door almost immediately slid open and revealed a silent mech, Soundwave
Soundwave's way of communicating: (...)

(Yes Goldbug...)Soundwave said as he noticed the figure in front of him.

Bumblebee nodded and Soundwave stood a bit away from the door allowing Goldbug to come inside the said room, now this was quite strange Bumblebee nor Goldbug had ever seen anyone come inside, well maybe Megatron, but he the felt a shiver go down his spine.

When Goldbug entered the room, he noticed everything well stacked and in order, also lots and lots of data pads.

(Sit) Soundwave said as he pointed towards the berth.

And Goldbug did just as he was told, for a split second he closed his optics, but opened them when he felt Soundwave sit on the berth with him.

(Why here?)Soundwave said in diggrent tones and voices.Goldbug was about to speak but stopped to think...should I tell him or...

Maybe figure it out myself, No I'm asking him. /I came to ask why the Autobots keep on calling me Bumblebee?/

Soundwave was quite surprised by the question expecting it to be something else.

(That is because they had a friend tyat lookex quite alot like you but he perished and is dead now, so do not stir yourself on this topic any further.) Soundwave said quite lying very smoothly.

Goldbug nodded in understanding and left to go to his newly build quarters.

With the Autobots:

Optimus was walking up and down in his berthroom thinking about Bumblebee or now as he calls himself Goldbug, Optimus shivered at the thought of what they had done with his Sweet Bee.

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