Rude Man.

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Nana POV:

"So that's how you and Zane got separated..?" "Yes." "What should I call you? Zane?.." "Just call me Z, that's what your boyfriend calls me." I blushed a bit, I don't know why though. I've been with Zane for a while now.. but why do I get all flustered at the fact that we've been officially boyfriend and girlfriend.. "Are you okay?" I looked up at him. "We have been walking for a while.." He stopped walking. I saw him roll his eye. Then he crouched down. "Are you trying to give me a piggybac-" "Shut up and go on my back before I change my mind." I hopped onto his back, and slipped, somehow slipping to his front bit of his body. He caught me and he looked into my eyes strangely. I think I saw some blush, before he let go of me and I fell onto my butt. "How pathetic, can't even jump properly." He said looking away from me. "Hey!" "Just try again okay." I got off my butt and properly jumped onto Z's back.

Z kept walking in silence. "Z? Where are we going!?" He stopped and looked at me. Then he took a big jump up, which lead me to falling off his back. "We can stop here, we're far enough from Pheniox Drop." He said looking around. "Go gather some dry sticks." He said looking back at me, while I dusted off my clothes. "Fine." Then I went off into the wilderness.

I may or may not got lost.

After a few hours I got back to where Z was. I had sticks, and sticks and my hair. "You took forever, and you look like a mess." "What did you need these sticks for!?" "A campfire, but since you took around 2 hours I got them myself." I plopped onto the ground. "All that.. FOR NOTHING." I groaned. Z chuckled, he had the same laugh as Zane.. I missed his laugh.. I looked up at the sky, it was a dark blue and black shade.. getting dark.. the black and blue reminded me of Zane.

Then I fell asleep.

I woke up to the shaking of Z. "What.." I whined. "Your finding Zane today." "Huh..?" I got up drowzily. "Hurry up." "Why are you wearing that..?" I yawned. "It's a disguise. Just hurry up already." "Fine, fine."

The rest of the day we went through the trail we went through the other day.

"FINALLY." I groaned as I saw the gates. "We need to find Zane. He has some of my important supplies that I can't afford to lose right now." Z spoke up. When I looked over at him he was turning towards the sides of the gate. "Where are you going?" "Through a passage. I thought it would be obvious enough for someone like you." He said continuing walking along the walls outskirts. "Fine, wait up!" I scurried after him. When I reached up to him he went through some bushes and I followed. We were in.


526 Words.

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