When Opposites Become Major Opposites

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Zane POV:

I woke up again but this time I was in a pink bed. When I shot up from the bed, I looked to my right and there was Nana, she was sleeping comfortable next to me. As I was admiring her and how cute she was, I heard footsteps coming towards the door. I quickly and regrettably woke the cute Nana up. As she was fully awake the door opened and a black haired boy came in. "Hello! I'm Zane! Nice to meet you! What are your names?" Zane said. I looked at Nana and she started talking "I'm Kawaii~Chan and this is Zane too!" She giggled a bit saying that. "Your name is Zane too? Thats awesome! But.. your name is Kawaii~Chan..? My girlfriends name is Kawaii~Chan too.." Zane said a bit distressed. "Ugh.. Lucin must have brought us to another alternative universe.." I say angrily. "Babe, what's happening in here." A mefiwa girl says coming through the doorway. The mefiwa sees me and Nana and starts glaring at us, I glare back and this lasts for a while until I win. "This is going to sound crazy, but we're from another universe.." I say groaning while holding my head. "How'd you get here if you are from another universe." The mefiwa whos the other Kawaii~Chan says. "Lucinda and her counterpart, we've been through one alternative universe already." I say grumbling. "Wow, I'm a real pain huh?" Zane says. "Not going to deny."Nana says. "HEY, RUDE MUCH!?" I say to Nana. Nana just giggle back at me some with Zane. "Huh, so your Kawaii~Chan is like my Zane.." Kawaii~Chan says. "And seems like we're similar." I say. To be honest, I thought this version of Nana was really cute too, but my Nana is the best, she's cute, funny, and true to me.

Nana POV:

I really love my Zane, but this universes Zane is really cute!.. I looked at my Zane and he looked back, apparently we had the same idea I guess. "Your still wearing your edge." I whisper to him. "And your still adorable." He winked at me, well I think, can't really tell from the hair infront of the other side of his eyes. When I looked back at this universe Zane and Kawaii~Chan, then we're kissing, it's really weird when you see yourself kissing. It looked like I was on top, and when I looked back at my Zane he looked dumbfounded, and I giggled at the look on his face. He then gave me a quick kiss taking off his mask in the process. I got up from the bed and stretched all while Zane and Kawaii~Chan were making out.

I borrowed some of Kawaii~Chans clothes and went to go take a shower. Luckily we used the same products in this universe. Zane was in the bedroom we were in waiting for me to finish. I wonder what he was doing?

Zane POV:

I was waiting for Nana to finish taking a shower, when I noticed that I still had the emergency bag, I wonder how I didn't notice in the other universe? Well I asked Zane for some chargers for me and Nana to charge our phones, when I got an idea.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"
"Zane!? Where are you guys!? What happened!?"



           Call Ended 3:31 PM.

I tried to call Lucinda back but my phone wasn't able to call her again, or anyone else. "Zane is everything alright?" Nana said coming out of the bathroom wearing a white t-shirt with a pink sweater vest and a white skirt on. I blush under my mask, thank irene I wear this mask even with Nana. "I'll go grab some clothes from Zane." I say getting up from the bed. Nana gives me a quick kiss and then I head over to Zane and Kawaii~Chan's room, why does this have to sound so weird to say even in my head. As I get closer to their bedroom I hear things I would rather not hear, I was cringing very hard. I heard Zane moaning, you heard me. I quickly ran back towards where I came from and shut the door. Nana looked at me confused.

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