Where's Everyone Else?

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Zane POV:

I woke up but this time my head was in major pain. When I opened my eyes, my one good eye was very blurry. I heard muffled voices around me. I had to get up. I had to find her. I slowly got up trying to keep my balance. I looked around me and I saw a flash if purple, light blue and dark blue. Then when I looked to the ground farther away I saw a pink figure laying on the ground. Everything became dull. I ran towards the pink figure not caring about my well being. "Nana are you okay..?" I said crouching down to the figure whispering. "Z-Zane.. y-yeah I'm okay.. are you okay..?" Nana said getting up slowly to her knees. "Been better." I said smiling under the mask. "Zane, KC are you both okay!?" The pink figure said towards us. I was starting to get my vision back and I could almost see properly. The purple figure looked like.. Aphmau!? "A-Aph? Is that really you..!?" I said a bit shook. "Well, duh Zane, are you kidding?" Aphmau said. Sassy as ever so that's one point to her actually being Aphmau. When I looked to the light blue figure I was a bit confused. "Who's this person?" I say confused. "Zane what in the world is up with you? First we find you in the middle of the hub laying on the ground, then you rush over to KC almost immediately, and now you don't know Pierce? What's up?" Aphmau said crossing her arms. "I've never met Pierce a day in my life." I say seriously. Aphmau's eyes widen and whoever this Pierce guy is looks confused. Then I look over at the dark blue person. It. Was. Ein. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING ALIVE...oh no... we're not in the right universe. Aphmau isn't back home yet." I said. "Zane what do you mean? Yeah your not home, me and Pierce blew it up a while ago and obviously your not at home because your near the center of the hub." Ein said. "Where's Kawaii~Chan's house." I said looking down at the ground. "Uh, you out of everyone should know it's over near your house, well what was left after THOSE TWO exploded it." Aphmau said. "Thanks, let's go Kawaii~Chan." "Hey Zane? Why are you calling KC Kawaii~Chan?" Aphmau called out. Okay then, I guess Nana's fake name is called in short term here, I wonder is it even her fake name in this universe. Is KC her real name? Is Kawaii~Chan her real name? Or is Nana her real name here? As me and Nana are walking over to 'her' house I see a black haired male rushing over. "KC! Uh.. who's he?" The black haired male said. "Huh? This is Zane~Kun.. who are you?" Nana said. "Huh, I'm Zane, how do you not remember? IS HE MIND CONTROLLING YOU? DID HE HURT YOU!? DID HE THREATEN YOU!?" Zane said. "Might aswell come clean to this places me. I'm Zane, I'm you from another universe and so is she. She's not the KC or Kawaii~Chan you know." I said holding Nana by her waist. "And can you prove it?" Other me said crossing his arms. "You'll listen to 'KC' right? Go on 'KC' tell him." I said giving Nana a smirk under my mask. "Uh.. yeah he's telling the truth! Nana said. "Well.. If you agree with him KC, I'll belive him for now.." He said giving me a look. "Oh, there's another 'KC' coming this way!" I said making the other me look. In that time I took Nana's hand and rushed into 'her' house. 'Wow, you just left your house unlocked, how responsible." I said smirking under the mask. "Oh shut up." Nana said pouting and crossing her arms. "Language princess~!" I said laughing a bit. "Zane, I swear I'll murder you!" Nana said jokingly. "I have a feeling other me is talking with other you babe. Wanna check outside the window?" "Ugh... fine if it gets you to stop calling me princess for a while." She said strutting towards the living room window. "Oh my Irene, no. I don't want to see this any more." I said backing up a bit. After five seconds of listening in on what they were saying, other me was trying to ask other Nana or Kawaii~Chan on a date, and was failing miserably. "This is the most saddest and funniest thing I've ever seen!" Nana said laughing. "Your about to met other me Zane, she's walking over here." Nana said backing up from the window.

The door opened and a cute mefiwa peered into the room. "Oh, you must be the two Zane was talking about! My name is KC." KC said. "I'm Kawaii~Chan and this is Zane from my world! Nana said in her Kawaii~Chan act. KC looked over at me and I think I saw a light blush on her face, I mean I wouldn't blame her, if I saw me I'd be blushing to. "So do you know where Lucinda is?" I said looking over at KC. "Oh, Lucinda? She hasn't been logged on for a while." "Is there anyone here that's good at magics..?" "Kim! She's our potions maker on the server! She would definitely be the one to help you both. Although Kim is out with Noi getting some supplies for more books and potions.." "That's fine I guess." I say sighing. "Urm.. KC, me and Kawaii~Chan are going to find Zane's house.. thanks for your help." I said grabbing Nana's hand.

Once me and Nana got to the front of other mess house, I was kinda surprised how modern it looked. Nana dragged me over and knocked on the door. "Yes?, oh it's you two. What do you need?" "We were wondering if we could stay here for a night or two." "Uh- Yeah sure. You guys could sleep in one of the guest bedrooms, just an but for your information KC is coming over so she gets her usual room." Then other me guided us up the stairs and into a large room and left me and Nana there.

"Hey, uh Nana, I was going out to see everyone. Do you wanna come with?.." "Yeah sure Zane, just one moment, I'll get changed."

After a bit of waiting, Nana came out from the bathroom and she was in a white and pink sweater with some pink shorts. "Are you ready Nana? How about we visit.. what was his name.. P-Pierce?" "I think your right!" "Shall we ask Zane where Pierce lives?"I said jokingly handing my hand out to her. "Ooo~ we shall!" She said back, trying to hold back her laughter. Me and Nana went down the stairs to see an empty house. I wonder where other me could be at?

Me and Nana were walking around the place, we saw a red house, purple house, green house, orange house, yellow house, dark blue house, and a light blue house. "Nana, what house do you think is his?" "Well, purple has to be aphmau's house, and red must be Aaron's house! So those two are out of the question. 3in is mist likely the dark blue house, since he had that blue streak in hight school, plus his ears and tail were dark blue! So that leaves orange, green, and light blue.." "Nana did you remember what he looked like? I feel like he had light blue on his clothes.." "Well if you think that, we should try the light blue house!"

After about 20 minutes of me and Nana walking, we finally reached the light blue house. "Hello? Is anyone here?" Then Nana tugged on my arm. I looked over at her, and she was pointing at a sign.

"Gone Off Prakung, Bee Back Soun"

Does he not know how to spell? "Zane?" I looked back at Nana. "Yeah?" "Do you think we could check for Aaron?" "If your so worried about him, then yes."

After a few minutes we decided to go to the red house. "Hello? Does Aaron live here?" "Yes. What do you need Zane and KC?" "Oh, yeah. We arnt the Zane and KC you'd usually see, where actually from another universe.. " "Hard to belive. Well, if Aphmau didn't tell me. If she's so trusting to you two, I'll trust you to." "Thanks." "Again though, what do you need?" "We just wanted to check up on this version of you." "Bye then?" Then Aaron closed his front door. "How about we go ask Aphmau if Kim is back with this Noi person?" "Sure!"

We walked over right next door to a purple house. "Aphmau?" Then there was an explosion at the side of her house. "Ein, Pierce! You JERKS!" Aphmau screamed. Me and Nana watched as the two ran off. Then Aphmau looked over to me and Nana. "Oh, hey you two!" She said walking over. "Anything you two need?" "Hey Aph, we were just wondering if we could get directions to Kim's house?" "Oh yeah! Oops! I forgot to tell you, Kim and Noi are back so she can start helping you right away now! Kim stays in the green house just north from here. Hey." Aphmau started. "I want you two to stay safe and be happy together, okay?" I blushed a bit. "Yeah, we will Aphmau." We said before walking north.

It was almost sun down when we got to the green house. "You don't think this Kim has Ghost right..?" I looked at Nana awkwardly. "Hopefully not." She said, she said it in a harsh scary toan, am I rubbing off on her? "You can knock this time babe." I blushed a crimson red after saying "babe" I've called her that before but only a few times before bed, not out in public. "Okay then 'babe'." She smirked at me while knocking. "Who is it!" Kim said opening the door. Moment of truth if she has Ghost. "Ugh, Zane why did you have to be here. Hi KC." Me and Nana explained the situation again.

"Oh, so your not the annoying Zane from here? Good." Nana laughed. I rolled my eyes. "Okay I think I can mix up a potion for you, come in." She said leaving the doorway. I closed her door for her. Me and Nana were peacefully sleeping when she woke us up. This time it was a brown liquid. "Hey.. are you sure this is the right potion?.." she yelled at me saying it was the right potion. I looked at Nana. She gave me a determined look. Then Kim splashed us with the potion.


1842 Words.

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