Chapter 6 - Down The Memory Lane

Start from the beginning

"What is this?"

"My last words for her. I want to be with her again in another life. And this letter is my last chance to convince her. Please, keep it safe until the day comes."

"I'm hoping that day will never come."

"There's one more thing."

Mon proceed to take another envelope from inside her jacket and gave it to Knight.

"This one is for you. You can open it."

Knight opened the envelope with a curious look on his face.

"Mon.. This is.. I- I didn't deserve this."

"I need you to call my lawyer for an appointment about my will. What's written inside your letter are the contents of the adjustment of my will that should be made."

"I really don't like how serious you are about this. I can't accept all this."

"P'Knight, please.. You're the one that I trusted the most. The mansion means a lot to me, and to her. I want you to take care of it. All of it including the garden."

"You really love her aren't you?"

"With all my heart."

"Am I gonna be invited to the wedding??"

"You're probably the only one that I'll invited."

"That makes sense hahaha"

"Because.. You'll be the one officiating us."

"Wh-whattt?? How am I going to do that?? I mean.. I can't really see her."

"We'll find a way how. But I really want you to do the honours. Will you do that for us?"

"Anything for you, Mon."

"You want to see the ring?"

"You already bought it?"

"I only have the picture of what it's gonna looks like. It's still in the designing process. I'm planning to get down on one knee on the night of our anniversary."

"It's beautiful. Who knows you could be such a romantic."

"Shut up."

Mon blushed.

"She's gonna love it."

"You think so??"

"If she loves you, she's gonna love everything about you and anything you do."


6 months after Khun Kornkamon's death, Knight moved in into the mansion with a heavy heart. It took some time for him to get used to the huge mansion by himself. The garden were taken a good care by him and the gardeners. Everything was great, but the only thing he thought wasn't in a great condition was the small rose bushes in the backyard. It feels out of place and wasn't given that much attention.

"Hello little roses, you must be lonely. Don't worry, I'll take care of you. Khun Mon and Khun Sam must have done the same."

He thought that it should be given the same love as the ones in the garden, so he spend some time to trim the bushes and replanted the rose. As he was digging into soil, he hit something solid, making a loud thud sound.


"Huh.. There's something underneath."

He keeps on digging until a medium sized chest come to his sight.

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