Chapter 1 - The Red String Of Fate

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No matter where, when, or how they meet, the two people who are bound together by the red thread are destined to be lovers

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No matter where, when, or how they meet, the two people who are bound together by the red thread are destined to be lovers. Although it might stretch or become tangled, this magical cord will never break.

"Mon lifted her pinky finger slowly motioning for Sam to take it. Sam took a deep breath, it was hard but she intertwined her pinky finger with Mon's making a pinky promise. Mon plastered a weak smile with Sam's touch to her finger." - The Ghost of You, Chapter 14.

It often imagined as an invisible red cord wrapped around the pinky finger of individuals who are destined to cross paths with one another for the reason that they are their true love. Therefore, assuming that those who are bound by it will always encounter one another until they eventually fall for each other.


Present Time

Once finished gathering back the books and papers, they both stand up and finally face each other.

"Have we... met before?? You look extremely familiar."

The short haired girl asked curiously.

"I don't think so. I've never forget a beautiful face when I see one."

Becky's POV

I accidentally bumped into a girl on my first day of college. She's slightly taller than me I think? I didn't get a good look at her as I was in a rush. But the moment she knelt down to help me, I can smell her scent as her long black hair was spread through her shoulder. She smells.. surprisingly good, and flowery. Our pinky fingers grazed each others when we were preoccupied collecting the scattered books and papers. I could swear there's a jolt of electricity went through our fingers. Or am I overreacting?

Then we finally faced each other. I might be losing my mind here but I seriously thought that I've met this girl before. But it seems like I lose that part of a memory somehow. You know that thing when we played LEGO, everything is complete but then there's a part missing, it didn't completely ruined the end product, it's just that.. it doesn't feels right without it. Okay, I am overreacting. I've never met her how come she felt so familiar? That didn't make any sense.

But God.. She's.. Uhmm how do I put it into a word?? Breathtaking! Yes, she's breathtaking. Her voice is sweet, the kind that can make you melt. And her eyes.. They're so mesmerising. I've never seen someone with eyes as beautiful as hers. It's like if you stare too long into her eyes, you'll drown into it.


"Hey w-wait! Thank you! Whatever your name is, stranger!"

"Sarocha! But you can call me Freen!"

She answered while turning her body and walk backwards a few steps just to give another warm smile and turn around again and left.

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