Chapter 3 - The Eyes Chico, They Never Lie

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Becky's POV

There's just something in her eyes. I can't seem to figure out what it is yet. But for sure, I'll get the answer one day. Remember when I said "If you stare too long into her eyes, you might get drown in it."? I think I might be struggling to keep myself on the surface. Every time our eyes locked, I got pulled deeper into her eyes. Might be one of the reason why I averted my eyes from hers sometimes.

Those eyes.. It's like there's a story to tell. There's like a million unspoken words. Her soft gaze, sometimes they lights up when she's excited. The way her eyes speak, sometimes it turns into half-moons when she laughed. Or it turns glassy when she yawned, or the way they lose it's spark when she's.. in despair. And her drunken eyes.. It's.. addictive to look at. The more I tried to look away from those eyes, the more I found myself pulled into them. But what I can tell is, those eyes, they never lie as I can always see her genuineness and sincerity through it.

Sometimes I caught myself glancing at her unconsciously. You know that particular moment when you're unaware that you're looking at them, and you immediately looks away when they noticed you've been staring? Yup, it's that moment. Her eyes are just so.. Beautiful. I'm not gonna blame anyone who's captivated by those pretty eyes. I mean.. Who wouldn't???


"Becky?? Bec~"

"Huh?? Wh-what?"

"You weren't listening to me at all weren't you?"

"Err.. Sorry khaa~ I've just been thinking about something."

"What were you thinking about that made you completely ignoring me??"

"N-nothing! Uhmm, what were you talking about?"

"I'm asking about your soccer match. What time should I be there? Because I have a class that day. I can't promise you if I'm gonna make it there."

"Nooo~ I want you to be there. Who's going to cheer for me?"

Becky pouted a bit making the older girl heart's fluttered.

"I'll try to be there. My class is in the morning."

"Great! Because my match is starting at 5pm. You're gonna make it, yayy!"

"Is it that important for me to be there? You'll be playing just fine."

"But it's not the same without you."

"And why is that?"

"No reason hehe I just want you there. Or maybeee you're my lucky charm!"

"You're lucky you're so cute. I can't say no to this face."

Freen pinched Becky's soft cheek playfully.

"Ouch! That hurts!"

Freen giggled as she was amused.

"Will you save me a front row seat? So that you can clearly see me cheering for you?"

"I'll save you the best seat in the house."

"And where is that?"

"On my lap hahahahha"

"You teased!"

"I'm kidding ~ I'll save you a a good seat where I can see you clearly."

"Should I wear cheer uniform and bring pompoms?"

"Freen, I asked you to cheer for me not embarrassed me!"

"Aww come on.. Put a bit of trust in me. I can be a good cheerleader."

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