Chapter 7 - Empty Space

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Days by days goes by and eventually they grew closer. Mon have been spending a lot of time accompanying the lonely ghost who's now seems to be a lot less lonely. Mon even started to work from home whenever she can just to spend extra time with Sam.

"Sam, what are you doing?"

Mon asked when she saw the beauty is sitting on the bench in the middle of the garden plucking the petals of the roses.

"Oh, hey. I'm collecting these petals to use for bath later. They smells so good. Here."

Sam hands out a pink rose to Mon. She took it and holds it close to her to inhale the scent through her nose. Mon then sit next to Sam on the cold stone bench.

" You've never told me the story behind this beautiful garden. I heard that you're the one planted them. "

Mon looks at the woman besides her. The woman turns her face and smiled.

"I did. With some help of course. But these are like the grandchildren of the roses that I plant. It's been more than 20 years, my roses won't last that long but these are from the same parent plant. I made them for someone that I love dearly. She loves roses. Red especially. We bought this property and renovated the mansion. She had no idea I was going to make a garden for her. It's really hard to keep it a secret from her. I had to make excuses every time she wanted to go and see the progress of the mansion. And the roses, oh my god they took so long to grow but so worth it.", Sam laughed.

"They are very beautiful Sam, it's one of the reason I bought this mansion. I really love the garden. Did she ever found out about it?"

"Luckily, no. It didn't fully grow yet but they're starting to have some buds when the mansion finish renovation. She only knows about it when we moved in here. It was a gift for her. She was so speechless when she saw it."

"Both of you must be so excited when the flowers bloom."

"We did! Because it was the day that I proposed to her. I said to myself, once the roses blooms for the first time, I'll get on one knees and propose to her here in the garden, and I did."

"Samanun Anantrakul, what a romantic woman you are." Mon let out a small laugh.

" She was- Uhh, I'm sorry I still talked about her a lot to you."

Sam said after noticing that she's always mentioning her long gone fiancée whenever they're having conversations.

" Hey, it's okay. I'm the one who asked you right? I love hearing your story, and I know she's a big part of it.", Mon replied comforting Sam.

Sam just give her the most captivating smile.

"I think this is enough for a bath. Do you.. want to.. join me?" Sam asked shyly trying to avoid any eye contact with the fair skinned woman.

Mon was a bit shocked at the sudden invitation. Sam usually never this straightforward.

"Do you want me to join you?", she asked the question back to Sam.

Sam just nodded her head up and down slowly, too shy to use words. It's amusing how shy she looks right now.

"Then you better go prepare the warm bath now." Mon replied to the nod.


The smell of fresh rose petals fill the bathroom. It's so fragrance and relaxing. Warm bath with smooth bubbles and rose petal were prepared by Sam.

" Mon! It's ready! ", She shouted from the bathroom while stripping her clothes and went in first in the tub.

The door of the bathroom opens revealing Mon who's already in a robe with her hair in a bun.

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