Chapter 5 - Enamored

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A/N: Hellooo my fellow readers~ I'm back~ Did you miss me?? I'm really sorry for the late update. Thanks for being patient with. This is the longest chapter I've ever written. Take it as a reward for you because you've been patiently waiting for me hehe. Enjoy~


Enamored.. Such a fancy word with a fancy meaning. What it's mean behind the word is that, when someone goes far beyond liking them. You know how they're actually smitten or even totally infatuated with the individual, head over heels. How their actions are even more flowery than love, perhaps they even swoon by the other. Let's put it like this. If an individual is in love with another, they'll send the subject of their affection a bouquet of flower, maybe a dozen of roses or even writing an essay on the things that they love about them. However, if they are enamored with the individual, they'll do something beyond expectations. Like covering the whole lawn with a blanket of rose petals or even making a whole garden of roses just for their love, or writing a whole book about them.


The white Mazda roams on the road with Freen as the driver and her passenger princess, Becky. The older girl purposely drove a bit slower than she always did just so that she can spend more time with Becky next to her in a closed space. She even stroll to the further road on purpose instead of the shortcut.

"Freen, you always take this road. Isn't this way further?"

"Err.. Yes.. But I like this way. The shortcut is always busy with cars. I hate traffic jams."

As Freen was driving, they passed by an exquisite mansion. The building looks a bit old with a slight renovation looking at some parts of it that looks quite new compared to other parts but still standing strong. Probably been there for more than 40 years already based on the designs and structures.

"Freenky, it's that mansion! Look at the roses garden! I love it so much. It's because you always took this road that I can always see that garden."

"You really do like that mansion huh?"

"Aside from the garden, the mansion is pretty cool. I wonder who lives there. They must be pretty rich."

Becky's eyes never leaves the garden as the car slowly passed the mansion.

"I have always wanted those roses. I don't know, it looks.. special. It feels special. I wonder if there's a story behind it. Do you think if we asked really nicely the owner will sell some of the roses??"

"You really want the roses that bad Bec? Hahaha"


Becky replied in a soft voice as they drove further from the mansion, but her eyes was looking into the side mirror at the remaining view of the garden.

Freen noticed this as she stole a glance at Becky and she looks at the rear view mirror the subject of what Becky's focusing on.


Freen parked her car next to the latest model of the Range Rover in front of her favourite coffee shop, the one that they first spent time together. This is the second time they went here together.

As they were sitting at Freen's favourite table, a husky suddenly came running at Becky.

"Woof! Woof!"

The husky barked at Becky while brushing his head at her lap.

"What a cutie! Oh my god! Who's dog is this?? Look at your eyes! You're a special one aren't you??"

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