Chapter 11 - Apocalypse

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The sound of the soccer team cheering their teammates filled the fields. Freen can't help but stopped for a while, hoping that one of them is Becky. She decided to join at the bleachers. Just something to remember about Becky.

"Uhm hey. I haven't seen Becky in a long time. Do you know what happened?"

She asked one of the player on the bench.

"Oh, Armstrong? I heard that she took extra leave. She's postponing her classes too."

"Ohh.. Have you heard anything else about her?"

"Not really. We tried to contact her but no one succeeded. It was her brother who contacted the faculty about her leave."

It wasn't what she wanted to hear but it was something.

"Becky.. where are you.."

She left the field and drove home. A few drops of rain started to fall on the windshield. A moment later it started to dropped vigorously. She turn her wiper on and drove slowly due to limited visibility.

As she passed a bus stop, she thought that she saw someone really familiar

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As she passed a bus stop, she thought that she saw someone really familiar. It's probably her imagination on how much she misses Becky but she could swear she wasn't seeing things. It was her. She parked her car on the side and went out of her car running from the rain to the bus stop.



The sudden presence of another person startled the petite girl. Even more shocked when the person she saw standing in front of her, slightly soaked in the rain was none other than Freen.


They locked eyes, caught up in the moment only accompanied by the rain sound.

Becky immediately stands up, probably trying to avoid Freen.

"Becky stop. Stop running away from me. Please."

Freen's voice was extra delicate. Like she was afraid Becky is going to run away again if she raises her voice even just a little. Hearing Freen was pleading, Becky had no other choice but to surrender.

Even in a baggy clothes, Freen can see that Becky has been losing some weight. Was her time away to England that bad that she hasn't been eating good? There's no sparkles in the younger girl's eyes like how it used to be. It seems like Becky herself has been losing colours, just like Freen.

"When did you came back?"

"Last night."

"How was England? Did you had fun?"

"I.. don't want to talk about it."

There was a silence. The silence was too loud, even louder than the rain pouring. They were sitting next to each other but it feels like they're very far apart. Both of them were looking down at their own feet and the pool of water on the floor, afraid to look into each other's eyes.

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