Never Leave Your Feet By Your Friends

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Sarah tiredly walked into her dorm room. Her short black hair was done up in a bun, leaving it looking tidy despite her mood. Her brown eyes stared as she saw three others in her room. Two guys, and her female roommate. The three of them seemed to have been playing video games on her roommate's TV. The two guys were sitting on her bed and her chair while she sat on the floor.

"Hey." The woman said as she slipped off her heeled flip flops, descending a couple inches. Slowly, she walked over to her bed and fell down, readjusting her sundress.

"How was class?" The blonde haired roommate asked as she took a quick glance at Sarah, noticing that she was laying on her bed.

"Difficult. I can't believe that there's so many complicated matters that go into it. How can you do it, Sherrol? " Sarah said as she waved her hands in the air in a random pattern.

"I find equations like that easy. But that's just me." The blonde woman said before immediately turning to the guy to her right. "You suck!" She yelled while slapping his knee. The blonde man just giggled to himself, still playing the game.

"Why don't you come over here? We can listen to you." The brown haired man sitting the farthest away said even though his hazel eyes stayed glued to the screen.

"Okay, fine. Only because Johnny asked." The tired woman said as she got up, took the chair from her desk, and moved it over to the other three. She sat near the third man, a taller blonde haired man who kept playing the game with the other two. He sat in her chair, slouching in it as she put her bare feet in the guys lap.

"What? You wouldn't do anything if we asked you to?" The blonde man asked as his blue eyes were still stuck on the screen.

"Nope. You both just tickle me." Sarah said as she wiggled her toes, referring to the blonde guy and Sherrol.

"That's a good idea." The taller man said as he put the controller down and began scribbling his fingers on the smooth size 7s in his lap.

As soon as he did, Sarah immediately pulled her feet away. "Brihihian!" She giggled out as a smile was forced on her face. "Don't tickle me!" She yelled immediately afterwards. The blonde man just smiled at her, watching her pout as she hesitantly put her feet back in his lap.

"We can't help it. Your laugh is so adorable." Sherrol said as she looked up, noticing that her roommate's feet were close to her head. Immediately, she poked Brian's thighs, smiling at him. Brian looked down, noticing her smile. As soon as he did, he immediately grabbed hold of Sarah's ankles, holding her in place. Sarah's eyes immediately widened as she realized what was going to happen. "Let me show you!" Sherrol added before scribbling her nails all over the bottoms of the poor woman's feet.

As soon as the ticklish sensation shot up her body, she let out a frantic laugh and tried to pull her feet away. "H-HEHEHEHEHEY! DOHOHOHOHOHON'T TIHIHIHIHICKLE MY FEHEHEHEHEHET!" The woman laughed out. Her legs shook, desperately trying to pull away. However, Brian refused to let go. His grip held her ankles firmly as Sherrol kept on scribbling her nails expertly over the scrunched up feet, teasing the lines on her feet.

"I can't believe you walked around barefoot back home and you're still this ticklish." Sherrol said as she focused on the balls of the foot. Her smile only grew the more the helpless feet wiggled in front of her, trying desperately to get away. It didn't stop the blonde woman's nails from teasing the sensitive balls of her feet, loving how Sarah's laughter was quickly growing.

"IHIHIHIHHITS ME MAHAHAHMAHAHAHAS FAHAHAHAUHUHULT!" Sarah laughed out as her hands reached out. She grabbed onto Brian's arm, trying to pull him away from her feet. Instead, his grip tightened so that she wouldn't get free.

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