A Queen's Duty

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Slowly, the queen walked down the halls of her stone palace. Multiple tapestries that depicted her beauty were hung on the walls with a red throne sat at the end. The light blue haired woman confidently walked, letting the sound of her heels echo throughout the throne room. 

Once she reached her throne, she sat down, fixing her dark blue dress that she wore. Her hazel eyes turned to one of her guards who shook in fear. "Bring me one of the prisoners." She said in a firm tone. The guard bowed before walking off deeper into the castle. "Now, what is on today's agenda?" She asked her advisor. 

The advisor jumped slightly before taking out his clipboard. He looked through the few papers on it, scanning it quickly. "A couple of meetings with people before heading out to the theater. Today is the day we watch the new gladiators." He said, trying to hide his nervousness. 

"Sounds like a good day today." The queen said as she readjusted herself in her chair. As she did, a woman dressed in nothing but a tattered rag walked in with a guard escorting her. "Good. Now place her at my feet in position." The blue haired woman said as slowly slipped off her shoes. Slowly, she wiggled the toes of her large feet, smiling as she did so. 

Meanwhile, the black haired prisoner that came in was forced to the ground. Her body laid in front of the queen with her legs in the air. Her feet perfectly rested within reach of the queen's grasp, tied so that they couldn't get away. The prisoner glared at the queen with her brown eyes as she curled her toes. "You won't break me you know." She said as her hands were tied to a handle on the floor. 

"I'm sure you'll change your mind." The queen said as she placed her soft bare soles on the prisoner's face. "I know you miss your husband. I'm sure if you can worship my feet enough without stopping, I can consider letting you free." The queen said. Before the prisoner could respond, the queen placed the ball of her foot firmly on the woman's lips. 

The woman growled as much as she could before hesitantly kissing the bottom of the large feet that consumed her view. When she began, the blue haired queen sighed and relaxed. "Okay. So, who's the first person?" She asked as she planted her purple nails on the woman's bare soles. As soon as she did, the prisoner's feet curled reflexively while pausing the worship for a moment. The queen just smiled mischievously as she lazily dragged her nails up and down the helpless soles in front of her. 

"T-the first guest is actually her husband." The advisor said as he listened to the prisoner's muffled giggles. He could see the forced smile on the black haired woman's face and the small giggles that escaped her lips. He could also see her tongue trying hard to lick the queen's feet. 

"Good. He can see what his wife is going through. Let him in." The hazel eyed woman said as she kept on lazily dragging her nails on the prisoner's soles and arches. Her feet rested on the woman's face, not moving or being phased by the giggles that were constantly making contact with her feet. 

The guards nodded as they walked out of the throne room. Minutes later, they came back in with a muscular man. By then, the muffled giggles filled the room as the queen scribbled her nails into the centers of the prisoner's foot. The black haired man watched as the black haired woman was being tickled relentlessly. He slowly walked up to the throne and knelt down. "Queen Isadora." He said before lifting his head to face the queen. 

"Yes. What is it?" The blue haired woman said as she scribbled away a little lower at the soles in front of her. The sudden shift caused newfound giggles to emanate from the prisoner's lips. 

"I was hoping we would come to a deal about Amelia." The man said as he took a glimpse of his wife giggling hard into the queen's feet. Her face was practically stuck in place as her hands frantically felt around for something to grab onto. Her feet constantly shook and scrunched up under Isadora's gentle touch. "There's no way we can pay the fine. Is there any other way I can earn her freedom?" He asked. 

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