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"Gabriella!" called a Nun.

The young girl with that name came closer. "Yes, Sister."

"Come with me. The Priest is asking for your presence."

Young Gabriella followed the Nun to the main church, where the Priest was waiting with two women dressed in palace maid attire.

"This is the child I was referring to, she is Gabriella," the Priest explained to the palace maids.

One of the maids approached and checked Gabriella's appearance before nodding to the other maid. The Nun then lowered her head and gently stroked Gabriella's hair.

"Gabriella, from now on, you will be a servant in the palace," said the Nun.

"B-but I want to be like you, Sister. I want to work in the church and dedicate myself to God. I want to help the Priest too," Gabriella protested.

The Priest said, "You are still too young to become a Sister. Besides, this church already has enough assistance, and we don't need any more Sisters. By becoming a servant, you can still help this church. God will accept your offering and bless you."

"How can I help?" young Gabriella began to be tempted.

"You will be paid for your work in the palace. We will use that payment for the needs of this church. You would like to help other children as well, wouldn't you?" The Priest skillfully persuaded Gabriella, drawing her into his words.

"Besides helping the church, I can also help other children. Sister, isn't that good? They can use the money I earn to go to school!" Gabriella spoke enthusiastically to the Nun, who smiled at her.

"Very well, this is what I promise," one of the palace maids handed a small bag of money to the Priest.

Meanwhile, the other maid led Gabriella, saying, "Let's go."

"W-Wait a moment..." Gabriella hesitated. "I need to say goodbye to the other children and bring my belongings."

"You don't need them. The palace has prepared everything for you."

Gabriella left without any farewells, and she couldn't take any of her beloved belongings with her. Even the Priest and the Nun didn't accompany her or wave goodbye.


[One year later.]

Gabriella was brought to the palace at the age of 10, the age allowed by the palace's rules for recruiting new servants. Unfortunately, the recruitment of these child servants was intended for them to serve the adult servants. Their wages were meager, and they were only provided with food, water, and shared accommodation. Furthermore, there were no days off.

Many rules also restricted them. They were not allowed to leave the palace, forbidden from interacting with royal members, and prohibited from sending letters to their families. Interaction was limited to fellow child maids and the palace staff. They were like captives within the palace.

However, Gabriella, who had strong faith in God, believed that her current job was to help God and other children. Therefore, Gabriella willingly endured everything and always maintained a positive outlook. This is what makes everyone like Gabriella but also makes her receive a lot of hatred.

Gabriella continued to be made the scapegoat, enduring both mild and severe punishments. However, she stood strong due to her unwavering faith in God, believing that God was with her, always protecting and supporting her. Her blind trust even made Gabriella view any mistreatment as mere misunderstandings.


[Gabrielle, at the age of 13.]

Gabriella grew more beautiful even though she was just a children's servant in shabby clothes. However, her outer and inner beauty attracts anyone. Many male servants hunted her, even betting on who was the first man who could sleep with her. The servant head who often paid attention to her finally called her.

"Ella, isn't your job hard?" Katherine asked.

"Of course, it's hard, Madam Katherine."

"Then why are you smiling? Are you a little..." Katherine twirled her index finger, "...crazy?"

"Hahaha... No, Madam, not at all. I'm just feeling happy."


"Yes, Madam. With the hard work I do, I receive more pay, and I can help the church and the children even more!" Gabrielle replied cheerfully.

Katherine looked at her with sympathy. "Have you ever received your own pay and spent it on something you like?"

Gabrielle shook her head. "All the pay goes to the Priest and is used for the needs of the children there and for their school."

"You're from Nettor Orphanage, right?"

"Yes, Madam."

"The Queen's Palace is in need of a new maid. Would you like me to recommend you?"

"But I'm fine here."

"Ella, listen. I'm offering you this position because I want you to start something new. All this time, you've been deceived. The pay you thought was used to help the orphanage's children has actually been used for personal gain. They've been deceiving you all this time."

"Haha..." Gabriella laughed awkwardly. "Madam, your joking is good. Thank you for making me laugh. I have been feeling sad lately."

"No, Ella. I'm serious."

Gabriella clearly saw the seriousness in Katherine's face. Her chest suddenly felt tight and painful. "Madam Katherine, may I have a short break now?"

Katherine nodded, "Take a break until tomorrow. I'll grant special permission."

"Thank you, Madam."


Based on Katherine's words, Gabrielle sought the truth. Katherine also took Gabrielle out of the palace for the first time, heading towards the Nettor Orphanage and Church. To Gabrielle's astonishment, not long after her departure, the Priest destroyed the orphanage. Meanwhile, the orphanage children were sold by the Nuns as slaves.

"Ma-Madam..." Gabrielle called out with a trembling voice. "Where is all my pay? Why is Nettor leveled to the ground?"

"Elle, the world is not as beautiful as your faith in God. The Priest and the Nuns you thought were good turned out to exploit you. The pay they've been receiving from you all this time, they've used to enjoy their lives."

"Enjoy their lives? What do you mean, Madam?" Gabrielle was too innocent to understand.

"What about the orphanage children? They are my precious friends."

Katherine stroked Gabrielle's head and instructed the coachman to take the horse-drawn carriage back to the palace. "Elle, start a new life. I will recommend you to the Queen's Palace to be a maid of the Queen. You will receive better pay and treatment. How does that sound?"

"Does this mean I have to part with my friends, the Priest, and the Nuns?"

"You will part with your old life, Elle."

"Okay, Madam," Gabrielle then bowed her head and cried silently.


[Gabrielle, at the age of 15.]

Thanks to Katherine, Gabrielle was successfully accepted as a maid in the Queen's Palace. However, Gabrielle couldn't just start working right away. She received rigorous and authoritative education because she was to serve the Queen, the second most powerful position in the kingdom of Nocturnia.

For a year, Gabrielle learned etiquette, how to behave, how to speak, how to eat, how to walk, how to serve the Queen, and other skills. After that, Gabrielle could finally start working as a maid. However, Gabrielle was a talented and radiant child, she quickly captured the Queen's attention.

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