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My mother was the queen's special maid. Because of her beauty and elegant grace, the King became fond of her. The King specifically asked my mother to attend to him, and of course, my mother had to accept. The King often lay with women, but he always took fertility control pills.

Unfortunately, that night, along with my mother; the king was too consumed by desire, he forgot his medication, and eventually managed to fertilize my mother's egg. The Queen was furious, and this incident became known to everyone. The talk of the King impregnating a slave became a hot topic. But my mother was not a slave; she was the Queen's special maid!

Terminating the King's child was equivalent to killing a member of the royal family. Unable to do anything, my mother was banished to an old shed near the stables, a very unworthy place. In the winter, I was finally born, but I didn't cry. If it were any other mother, she would be anxious and afraid, but not my mother.

My mother said that if I were born with disabilities, no one would acknowledge my existence. I would be safe. But as it turned out, I grew up normally. The royal blood flowing through my veins made me grow into a tall, very good looking, and intelligent boy. Just like the other royal children; the legitimate children born from the union of the king and queen, they are the princes and princesses of this kingdom, Nocturnia Kingdom.


My mother's name was Gabriella, which means "God is my strength." She didn't have a family name, grew up as an orphan, and later worked in the palace as a servant, eventually getting the opportunity to become the queen's special maid. Even though I was a bastard child, my mother didn't want her child to have just a short name.

In the end, Gabriel Theodore Matthias Nocturnia became my name. Due to my mother's strong devotion to God, just like her name, my name is deeply connected to God. The meaning of my name is "Divine gift from God that becomes strength." So, I am a divine blessing given to my mother as her strength.

I hoped that was the case, but the reality was not, exactly two years after the nursing period ended, the Queen immediately reclaimed my mother as her special maid. My mother and I were separated abruptly. I was then placed in a special chamber in the King's palace, where I was cared for and served as best as possible.

Then, for the first time, the King met me. He inspected my room and chatted with his assistant while pointing out things he didn't like. After the assistant left, he approached me. The king said that I was not a prince and would never be a part of the royal family.

But because of my royal blood, I could still be useful by serving the kingdom. I, at that time, filled with a sense of joy and the desire to be acknowledged by the King, agreed to his words. In reality, I deeply regretted it. It would have been better if I had asked to be expelled from the palace, or better yet, just to be killed.

Because the king's words at that time meant that I had to become a palace courtesan. All the delicious food I ate, the best service I received, all of it was just to make me the best-quality palace courtesan. I couldn't refuse it because I still remembered my mother.


One year after I received all the special education, I was officially introduced as a palace courtesan. At the age of 3, I had to serve the royal guests who came and satisfied them. The King said that if negotiations or agreements were to fail, it would be my fault.

I would be punished, a punishment that didn't make my body bleed but shattered my mind. I would be sent to the barracks for a week, and the soldiers would use me without regard for time. They didn't hurt me physically, but they kept playing with me. In the end, I would convince myself that I was a courtesan. My mind was broken.

That's how the King reminded me that being a palace courtesan was the best because I served people with great power and influence, and I could even receive extraordinary gifts. If I rebelled, I would only end up being a courtesan for the soldiers who kept using me, without gaining anything.


I also began to live and became accustomed as a palace courtesan until I was 10 years old. By chance, I met my mother. I had been trying to find news of her, but the Queen's palace was very strict, and as a palace courtesan, I couldn't get any information or access. Everyone also refused to help me.

Our reunion after so long ended with just an exchange of glances. My mother, dressed as a servant, dressed neatly and followed the Queen who was walking in front of her. Meanwhile, I, dressed in minimal and transparent clothing, was followed by a servant who would escort me to the next guest.

The King turned out to have a big project; he wanted to buy a diamond mine on the border. However, negotiations were very tough, with all parties vying to get the best deal. The Queen often got involved because the mine's owner turned out to be a part of her extended family.

So, I often met my mother, even though it was only in passing, it still made me happy. I also tried to dress more modestly so that my mother wouldn't be sad to see me. Nevertheless, I remained a palace courtesan, and my mother remained a special maid to the Queen.

Time passed, and now I am 16 years old, and next year is my debut into adulthood. Will I attend the Royal Debut Party? Yes, of course!

The King promised that I could attend the party. I will be given the title of prince and become part of the royal family. In other words, the King will acknowledge me. I am so happy, even though I hated my life before, but I will forgive and forget it.


A week before the Royal Debut Party, while I was serving guests, I heard loud and piercing screams. I recognized that voice and ran as fast as I could. I found the Queen beating my mother with a thorn tree. My mother's appearance at that moment left me breathless.

My mother was tied to a tree, her body hanging, with her clothes torn to shreds. All eyes were on him. Not women, but also men. Even right where my mother gave birth to me, blood flowed profusely. I clearly saw a blunt-tipped object coming out of it.

But my own appearance wasn't much better. I ran there without wearing clothes. My body is full of sweat. My long hair is messy. My make-up was also messy, even the lip rouge I used had smudged. Not to mention, kiss marks all over my body. Sticky liquid on the back, and my front which was tied tight because the guest I was serving didn't want me to let anything out.

"Ahh... What is this? Why are we both such a mess?" I thought.

Even though I didn't see them one by one, everyone there looked at me with disgust. My own mother looked at me, but her gaze was begging me to leave. I knew bad things would happen if I stayed there. But that woman... She is my mother! I am Gabriel, son of Gabriella!








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