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Gabriella, who was still thinking about Maria, was unaware that she had been handed over from prison guards to the King's Maids. They then took Gabriella to a large bathing chamber and bathed her there, and Gabriella still did not realize what was happening. Her mind was still preoccupied with Maria.

Emma, the second King's Maid, said, "Alice, is this the girl the King desires?"

"What's going on?" Clara, the third King's Maid who had just arrived, approached.

"This girl has been silent since earlier. I think she's not worthy of the King," Emma replied.

"Shut your mouths," Alice spoke, silencing Emma and Clara. "From now on, you must maintain your composure."

"We always maintain our composure, what more do we need to do?" Emma responded.

"Emma, this is the reason your family sent you to the palace. You never understand the situation."

Emma immediately confronted Alice, "Hmph! How dare you not look in the mirror! You yourself are the King's Maid! You were also cast out by your family!"


Clara sighed and intentionally walked between the two of them, "Emma, have you ever prepared a girl for the King?" and Emma shook her head.

"Alice, have you ever done it?" and Alice shook her head as well.

"See, neither of you has ever done it. This is the first time we're preparing a girl for the King. Do you understand the significance of this, Emma?" Clara asked.

"Ah!" Emma quickly covered her mouth, and Alice sighed.

"Alice, as you said, we must maintain our composure. I hope you can restrain yourself from attacking Emma. You will only end up fighting," Clara continued.

"Hah... You truly are remarkable, Clara. The King should have chosen you to be the Head of King's Maid, not me," Alice said.

"Just give it to me!" Emma immediately became enthusiastic.

"Emma..." Clara reminded her, and Emma just smiled.

Clara then looked at Gabriella, who was still silent as the maids bathed her. "This girl is going to make the palace chaotic."

"Of course, I was surprised when the King asked for this girl to serve him. But why is she so quiet? Is the King's command so shocking? Or..." Alice glanced at Emma, "Emma, have you explained the King's command to her?"

"I have! I always do my duty well. But I don't know, this girl seemed lost since I met her. Look, she's still silent like that. Even though she has been undressed, and the maids' hands have touched her. Yet, she just remains silent," Emma replied.

"I hope you do not approach that girl. If you still want to live for a long time," Clara said, then left the bathing chamber to prepare for what came next.


Gabriella is now in the dressing room. She stands naked while the maids provide her with many gowns, searching for the best one. Emma guides her, and eventually, she chooses a gown with the color soft Tosca. Gabriella's long hair is left to flow freely, while some of it is braided and fashioned like a tiara.

Emma then adorns her hair with small gemstones, making Gabriella's hair shimmer. She also decorates Gabriella's neck with a matching gemstone necklace. Then, various accessories are added. Finally, for shoes, Emma selects low-heeled white ones.

"Don't we have shoes in a matching color?" Alice asks.

"Don't you know? The first thing a man notices about a woman isn't her face or her breasts. It's her feet," Emma explains.

"So why white?"

"If I give her matching shoes, she'll look ordinary. But with white, the King will immediately notice this girl's feet."

"Oh, I like your idea," Alice responds. "I think high-heeled shoes would be even more beautiful."

"Clara said not to give her those."

"That girl? Why?"

Emma shrugs, "How should I know, maybe so that the King's height isn't overshadowed."

"What? The King? That two-meter-tall King? You must be kidding."

Clara arrives and stands in front of Gabriella, who now looks very different. "What do you think?" Clara gestures to Alice and Emma.

"Now I understand what you meant," Emma says to Alice. "This girl is really going to shorten our lives, or even end us."

"The King is waiting, I will take her to see the King," Clara says.


Clara walks, guiding Gabriella, who still doesn't realize what's happening. Then she asks, "You will meet the King in a moment. What will you do now?"

Gabriella slowly turns to face Clara, studying her face, then slowly turns her head to observe the unfamiliar surroundings in front of her.

"Am I dead?" Gabriella asks.

"Almost. Meeting the King is akin to meeting your death."

Gabriella immediately pushes Clara, causing her to fall. "I DON'T WANT TO MEET THE KING!" she shouts.

Clara crouches down and pulls Gabriella's chin towards her face. "Gabriella, do you want me to kill you?"

Gabriella's eyes widen. "Maria...?"

Clara smiles broadly. "How are you, Gabriella?"

Gabriella recoils, keeping her distance. "You're not Maria. Who are you?"

Clara stands upright, her hands clasped behind her back, giving Gabriella a look that's hard to interpret. "Have you come to your senses? I am Clara, one of the three Maids of the King. We have been preparing you to meet the King since earlier. Of course, you must serve him."

Gabriella stands tall and confronts Clara. "I refuse to meet the King or serve him. I am the Queen's Special Maid."

Clara walks past her and stops. "The King has chosen you. This is the first time since the King married the Queen. The King, who has never accepted or asked for another woman, is now requesting you. Do you think the Queen will accept you back as her Special Maid?"

She then turns around. "Without the King's request, you would still be in prison awaiting your death. I don't know what punishment the Crown Prince will give you, but I'm sure it will end with your death. You made his mother pale in front of everyone. You stole his father. So, what do you think he will do to you? Of course, death that's not easy."

Clara sighs, "I told you to have an easy death. But still, you are making me suffer."

"Who are you really?! Why... Why do you talk like Maria?" Gabriella asks, clearly confused.

Clara smiles. "Whoever I am, you shouldn't defy my words. Didn't you say you wanted to become a nun and serve God? But now you're making things difficult for me."

"I really don't understand what you're saying. Why are you blaming me? I haven't met you before. Your words make no sense."

"Gabriella... Your name means 'God is my strength.' How can I be your strength if you're making things difficult for me?"

"Clara! Is that your name?! Listen carefully. I don't care about your words. I have no connection to you. I won't listen to, let alone follow your words. None of this makes sense!!!" Gabriella exclaims.

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