Chapter One. Walking Idiot

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Ian Cros

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Ian Cros

January 2002

Soon, I would face my unfortunate fate - the day I vanished, incomparable to the way they killed her.

In detail, I was the hotshot in college, living in my mid-twenties like life was one big party. Girls on my dick, like it gave them oxygen to breathe. Men wished they were me because I caught the eyes of a blonde bombshell.

But tonight, I didn't want the carbon copy of Britney Spears. I needed the quiet girl with emo clothes, smoking in the corner. I desired the chick with black hair and a band groupie Simple Plan shirt, the girl who continued to tease me from afar.

"Hey Ian, when are you going to pick one?" Mark asked me as I drank the rest of my beer.

I shoved my empty cup into his chest while a blonde girl with butterfly clips hung on his shoulder. She gave me a pouty expression as I walked in reverse away.

But the blonde, high-ponytail girl with her crop top and low-riding jeans wasn't for me tonight. I needed the black-haired beauty. She would be mine tonight and addicted to me by sunrise.

I walked up to her, brushing my hair away from my face. "What's up?" I placed my hand on the wall behind her, caging her in. "I am Ian." The band girl already knew my name, but everyone loved a cat-and-mouse game.

I had her cornered with all her attention on me. She smelt like cigarettes and cheap shampoo. Her red lipstick was dark, almost black, sticking to her lips like glue.

Popping her gum, she acted like she wasn't interested. "Hey," she said with an attitude.

With my signature laugh, I glanced over my shoulder at the rest of the crowded room. A few girls were watching in jealousy. "So, you want to get out of here?" I asked the audience before facing her.

"Depends on where you want to take me?" She stepped closer, bringing her hips to mine.

"How about we go back to my dorm room?" I grabbed her hand and looked into her blue eyes. "It's warm there. We can get away from the snow."

She smiled up at me and then looked around the room, making the other girls look away with embarrassment. She chuckled to the ground before pulling me along through the party.

As we crossed the living room of the frat house, Mark fist-pumped me and slipped his cash into my palm before anyone could see. Between the girls that were daydreaming about me, the haters sprinkled among the party.

A beautiful girl met my eyes with a glare. The name Ashley popped into my head. Or was it Amber? No, maybe, Amy. Whoever she was, she stormed over to me in a blur.

Her hand reached up and grabbed my hand from the emo girl. "What the fuck, Ian? What are you doing?"

"What?" I looked down at her. She had too many bobby pins in her hair and too much perfume on for my liking.

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