Chapter 25 -- True Colours

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  • Dedicated to All reader's of TFOW thanks 4 readin XD -Million

**********IMPORTANT NOTE AT THE END******************

This is short but don’t kill me!!!

Read away my minions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chapter 25 -- True Colours

Evie’s P.O.V

“You just had to come!” Gaby yelled.

Kelsey just looked at us weirdly and went back inside that fuck.

Jace and Zev lunged for Dean.

I guess there using team work.

They were snapping their jaws at each other, feral growls showing how animalistic they are.

My heart raced what if Kane, Jace and Zev died.

I would die.

My body was shaking.

“STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Gaby and I begged.

They weren’t listening to us, there wolves probably took over.

Dean threw Zev, his body gliding through the air.

His body smacked to the ground, going limp.

“ZEV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I franticly screamed as I ran over to him.

His wolf was just breathing, blood clumping his beautiful browny-orange fur.

The pain started creeping in and soon the tears were flowing out of my eyes.

I heard a growl and Emmerson shifted, lunging at Layton.

“EMMERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed.

Layton was way too strong for her.

He was one of the most powerful Alpha’s!

As soon as Emmerson was close enough, Layton got his jaw round her neck and threw her against a tree with a force.

Matthew growled and bolted over to Emmerson body.

He must be her mate.

Matthew started letting his wolf wine, and hugged Emmerson body.

Suddenly the aura coming out of Emmerson was dead.

Oh my god.

Emmerson was pregnant.

Layton just killed her Baby.

Gaby’s growl snapped me back to Dean, Jace and Kane fighting.

Kane was surrounded in a pool of blood, his throat ripped out.

Oh my god, Kane’s dead.

My heart just died.

He didn’t just die.

My anger started boiling up inside of me.

Gaby ran over to Kane, holding onto Kane for dear life.

Gaby heart must be shattered now.

My eyes flickered back to Jae and Dean.

Jace growled and went for Dean’s throat.

Jace ripped Dean’s throat out, growling.

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