Chapter 10 -- Boy's and their Temper

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Okay this chapter was fun to write as well and I know it’s short, but yr lucky I even write anything! XD

Picture to the side is Zev -----------------------à

So I hope you enjoy it like I do!





Chapter 10 – Boy’s and their Temper

Evie’s P.O.V

“Fight! Fight! Fight!!!!!!” Chanted the now gathered crowd around Kane, Zev, Jace and Dylan beating the crap out of each other.  

Glass shattering growls rippled its way through each of their chest, with anger seeping strongly from their scents, with blood splatters on the floor.

I pushed my way through the crowd about three rows from the front, My heart franticly thudding in my ear’s, blocking the hooting of the crowd. My vision was only foucasued on our boy’s and Dylan circling each other.

Dylan let out a growl then lunged at Jace, Jace dodged to the side and swung a fist into Dylan’s face.

Dylan let out a yelp, holding his hands out in front of him, before falling to the floor.

Kane grabbed Dylan by his shirt and threw him down the corridor.

Dylan skidded down the floor and smashed into some lockers, head first, followed by and ear splitting, bone breaking noise, only Werewolf’s could of heard .

Zev ran up to Dylan and threw a punch into Dylan’s face. Zev went to swing his fist again but Dylan caught it and smashed his body onto the ground, letting a whimper out.

My heart jumped at the blow Zev got delivered by Dylan.

Dylan’s name now made a coppery, posion like taste in my mouth.

Dylan got to his feet, spat out some blood from his mouth, landing on Zev’s shirt and letting a trickle of blood flow down his chin.

He locked his eyes on me, then snapped his nose back into place and titled his head side to side, with more cracking noises.

Dylan lunged to Kane with a grin plastered to his face, whilst letting an animalistic growl out, and hitting Kane square in the jaw.

Kane fell to the floor and whimpered holding his jaw.

I let out a  silent scream, my heart beat blasting threw my ears.

Zev, got up off his feet, on shoulder lower than the other.


Zev closed his eyes and poped his shoulder back into place, he lunged for Dylan, landing on his back, to only be flung back down the corridor.

Dylan punched Kane’s nose and blood flowed from his nose, followed by Kane spitting blood from his mouth.

Dylan came back for thirds and kicked Kane’s right in his baby maker making him whimper curling up in a ball.

Gasp’s fell amongst the crowd and soon fell.

I could hear Gaby scream and barged her way through the crowd, but they didn’t budge.

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