Chapter 14, why i'm here

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Warning: Mention of death, drug/alcohol use and child abuse

(Your POV) Friday, 24th of november.

This day went by too slowly for me, way too slowly. I made the stupid promise to tell them everything... To become a complete burden. And I don't want to do that! I don't want their pity, which I'll definitely get. And to top it all off. The end of November is here. Which means I have to pay the hospital bill.

As soon as I get home, I go to my room. And make my calculations. I get paid 6 pounds an hour in the library. So I make 18 pounds a week, that's 20,81 euros. Then I get paid 7 pounds an hour at Chasers, the restaurant. I work there ten hours a week. So 70 pounds a week, equals 80.75 euros a week. I really am lucky with how well these jobs pay. Alright, I have worked 10 weeks at the library now, so I have made 208,10 euros with that. And I have worked 7 weeks at Chasers, so that's a total of 565, 25 euros. So in total, I made 773,35 euros! I only have to use around 30 euros of my set aside money! That's way better than I would've thought. I think I've never been this relieved before, ever. I grab my laptop and open the mail. I want this bill to be paid now, so i won't forget it and it's just done. I enter my information...and done. Done! Now I can start focusing on other things. Like finally buying Nick's present and eventually giving some money to my mother.

Now I'm making my way down. I let myself fall on the couch happily with a sigh. ''What are you sighing about?'' Nick asks me with an amused grin on his face. ''Just... weekend.'' I smile at him. ''Hey have you three talked about when Tori and Charlie are coming today?'' I ask him. ''Yes, we did. They'll come around for dinner, and then afterwards, we can just...hang and talk.'' He answers, almost carefully. ''Yes, great.'' I smile, a bit nervously. ''You don't have to...'' Nick says, looking at his hands. ''I know, but it's only fair. And what else should I do? Keep it a secret forever? That's not really fair to any of you. Especially you, Nick.'' I smile warmly at him. ''Do you want to watch a film?'' I ask him, ''Please yes. You choose.'' he sighs happily. I end up choosing Finding Nemo, because we were both in the mood for a kids movie, but not a princess movie, you know? It was good, i mean, it's Finding Nemo, it's adorable. And Nick is an emotional guy. I mean, he didn't cry. But it really looked like he wanted to. Sometimes he reminds me a bit like Toothless, from how to train your dragon. He's all big and intimidating looking (not really, but okay), but he's also very sweet and emotional, and caring. Not something you'd expect from a big guy like Nick. But indeed, he is a rugby player, a real gentleman. I know Charlie is also a rugby player, but he is different from Nick on the gentleman thing. He is a man who can be gentle, you know? Don't get me wrong, I love that guy, he's a good friend and all, but he isn't that kind of... teddy bear? I don't know. ''You said you'd cook, right?'' Nick asks me, breaking me out of my train of thoughts. ''Oh, yeah. I will. You said they liked soup, yeah?'' i ask him, ''Yeah, they eat soup, like, every week.'' he answers with a playful scoff. ''They're on their way, Charlie texted me. So they'll be here in 5 minutes I think.'' Nick says, ''Okay, i'll starts on the soup then.'' I say getting up from the couch. I start grabbing the vegetables out of the fridge and grab a knife out of the cupboards. I start by cutting up the celery and the paprika. Halfway through the first celery, i play a song through my phone, 'Ticket to ride -The Beatles'. I continue cutting up the celery and go on to the next one, while humming the song. And then I get frightened by a hand on my shoulder. ''Jeez, it's just me.'' I hear Charlie laughing from behind me. I turn around with a smile, ''That's why i got scared.'' i reply. He gives me a hug, and I try to keep the knife away from him since he didn't give me the time to lay it back. ''Why are you hugging him with a knife?'' I hear Nick ask, ''Because I'm a stone cold murderer.'' I reply sarcastically. ''My fault, i just went in for the hug.'' Charlie comes to the rescue. Then Tori walks in the kitchen, and Charlie walks out. ''Hey'' i smile at her. ''Hi'' she returns with a smile. ''What are you making?'' she asks. ''Soup.'' i reply. ''Good choice, it's really cold outside. Can I help?'' she asks. ''If you can put on the kettle, that would be great.'' i reply. ''Can do.'' Tori puts on a full kettle for me, which is nice of her. ''I just wanted to say I'm sorry for yesterday. I left things weird for everyone.'' I say to her. She looks at me, a bit taken aback, ''You don't have to apologise for that. I'm only a bit confused. But you said you'd tell us later right?'' She asks hopefully, although you have to look to see it. ''Yeah, yeah i will.'' i smile at her.

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