Chapter 10, over the lawn

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(Your POV) saturday, 11th of october

I grab my phone out of my pocket, and start texting a familiar black haired, blue-eyed girl.

Y/n: Hey!

And it doesn't take long before I get a reply.

Tori: Hello?

Y/n: Do you have anything to do today?

Tori: No, why?

Y/n: What a coincidence, me neither! Hang out?

Tori: What a coincidence it is

Tori: And sure

Y/n: Anyone at your place?

Tori: Not for a little while, you can come now if you want

Y/n: On my way

''Bye! I'm going around a friend's now!'' I wave quickly at Nick and Sarah and start walking towards Tori's house. The walk really isn't that long, for the better if you ask me. I'm fucking lazy.

I ring the bell and not long after the door opens. ''Hey'' Tori says in her beautiful monotone voice, ''Hey'' I reply. I walk in and Tori closes the door behind me. I walk further in towards the kitchen and I sit on the counter. As soon as I'm sat, Tori walks up to me and pushes my knees apart and stands in between them before grabbing my hair and pushing my head down, connecting our lips. The butterflies explode in my stomach, it feels amazing. I put my hands on her back and pull her further towards me. I feel her tongue against my bottom lip. I open my mouth a little, and just like that the kiss is more deepend and intenser. Her hands travel from my hair down to my hips. I put my hands in her hair, without thinking, my fingers are all knotted in her hair. I can feel Tori's hands go more towards my back and a bit lower. And then I feel her hands on my bare back, under my shirt. My reaction is only pulling her closer, until our chest touches. I can feel her hands go up and down my back. My lips go from her mouth to her cheek to her neck. ''Is this alright?'' i ask her in a whisper. ''Absolutely.'' she whispers back. So I start kissing her neck lightly, and I can feel her fingers go over scars on my back. I start kissing her neck harder, and less nervous. I feel her nails go over my back, so I think that's a good response. After a little while we pull back. Her hair is wild, her lips red and swollen and she has a blush on her cheeks. And I can't help but melt at the sight. Just seeing her makes me want... I don't even know. But she really makes me feel feelings I haven't really felt with anyone before.

(Tori's POV)

She looks like a flustered mess right now, and I like that. I like her. I really, really like her. I don't know since when I started feeling like this, but right now, with her here, I don't even care. ''Want to go up to my room and watch a movie?'' i break the silence first, ''Sounds good.'' she smiles. And up we go. I sit down on my bed with my laptop and Y/n sits down next to me. ''What are we watching?'' she asks. ''Do you have an idea?'' i ask her, she thinks for a second, ''We could watch the second movie of Indiana Jones?'' she suggests. ''Alright'' and i look it up. I place the laptop in between us and press play.

''So, did you like the movie?'' i ask her, ''Yeah, it was good.'' she nods. It's quite funny how we can go from a very intense snog, to watching Indiana fucking Jones. ''Did you hear anything from that restaurant you wanted to work at?'' i ask her. She did want to work there, she said so, a little while ago. ''Yes, I did. I have my 'sort of first day' tuesday. Then they are gonna make me learn how to do it all and watch me struggle.'' she laughs. ''You'll be fine! You can do this. I mean, you are surviving to work in a library, so you can easily do this!'' I nudge her shoulder. ''Yeah, yeah you're right.'' she chuckles. ''I'm always right'' I sigh, ''Sure you are.'' she playfully rolls her eyes. I gasp dramatically and place my hand on my chest. ''How dare you!'' I gasp, she just laughs. And how beautiful that laugh is. Jesus, i like her, romantic stylez, with a 'z'. I get snapped out of my thoughts by the front door that opens, and I can hear my parents and brothers walk in. ''Ýou have to go!'' I whisper shout to her. She stands up immediately and puts on her shoes, that were thankfully up here. She starts walking to my bedroom door, ''No! Not trough there! Through the window!'' I point at my window. ''Window?! Fuck!'' She starts opening my window. ''Hey Tori! We're home!'' I hear my mother shout from downstairs. ''Hey!'' I shout back, hoping that my voice is steady. ''Don't die climbing out the window!'' i whisper to her, ''I'll try.'' she responds. I quickly grab a hoodie of mine and give it to her. ''Put it on. And put the hood on. What if someone recognises you? That would be just... no.'' I try to explain. She answers by putting on the hoodie and the hood. I quickly kiss her and send her out. She's walking over the roof and is trying to get down by the drainpipe. She does it quite easily, I have to say. She's almost down. She jumps off the last bit and runs over the front lawn and out of sight. I can only hope nobody saw her running over our lawn.

Heartstopper: Tori x Reader (fem)Where stories live. Discover now