Chapter 23, feels right

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(A/n: Yes, sorry, very short chapter! But do enjoy! I know you will, hehe)


(3th person POV) Friday 16th of december

You already know it's cold outside if even Jane complains that she's freezing. ''Go grab an extra sweater Ollie.'' The woman said to her youngest son. ''Tori, Charlie!'' She shouted to the older kids upstairs. ''Could you come down please?'' She asks.

Not even 2 minutes later, both Tori and Charlie stand in front of their mother. ''Are you sure you can manage your own dinner?'' Jane checks, ''Yes, we'll be fine.'' Charlie sighs. ''And Nick will sleep on the floor or on the couch, Charlie.'' Jane says sternly. ''Yes he will.'' He sighs once again. ''Alright then, we'll be back home tomorrow around 2 o'clock. Have fun.'' She tells her children before grabbing a last bag and disappearing out the door. ''Have a good night kids!'' Julio says as he grabs Ollie's hand. ''You too!'' Charlie says, ''Bye'' Tori tells him. ''Bye Charlie! Bye Tori!'' Ollie waves, before Julio and Ollie disappear out of the house as well.

Jane, Julio and Ollie are going over at Julio's parents for the night, which Tori and Charlie find more than okay. Mostly because then they can invite the Nelson's without a hyper boy and a judgemental mother walking about.

''They're here in 20 minutes or so.'' Charlie says to his sister as he looks at the clock. ''Alright then. So, have you decided where Nick will sleep?'' She asks curiously. ''I'll give him a mattress on the floor, he can decide if he's gonna sleep on it or not. What about you?'' He answers, ''I don't know. Probably in my bed.'' Tori answers bluntly. ''I wish i had a big bed. That would make sleeping that much nicer.'' Charlie thinks aloud as he places himself on the couch. ''Yes, well, you should've thought about that before you had a boyfriend.'' Tori tells him sarcastically, ''Yes, I know.'' He grumbles.

And not even 15 minutes later, around 6 PM, the doorbell rang. Charlie jumps up from the couch to open the door, unlike Tori, who just keeps tapping away on her phone. ''Hi'' He says to Nick before hugging him, quite long.

''What am i? A brick wall?'' She asks them sassily. ''Hello, Y/n'' Charlie laughs before giving her a quick hug as well. ''Where can I leave our bags?'' Y/n asks the boy. ''There is just fine. But why do you have his bag?'' Charlie asks, confused. ''Don't you dare tell him.'' Nick warns his cousin. ''Alright I won't.'' She smirks, before placing the bags on the floor and taking off her shoes and coat. ''Where is Mr. Grumpy?'' Y/n asks Charlie. ''On the couch.'' He smiles. He walks in the living room with Nick following him and Y/n last. But just as they enter the living room, Y/n sprints towards the couch and jumps atop of Tori. ''You big clumsy cunt!'' Tori shouts, shocked.

Y/n, who is just lying all over Tori (literally), smiles innocently at her, while Nick and mainly Charlie barely can conceal their laughter. ''Well, it's nice seeing you too!'' Y/n answers to the nice words, packing Tori's cheek. ''Get off of me, you're crushing me.'' Tori mutters, trying to hide her own smile. ''Only because you asked so nicely.'' Y/n answers, rolling off of Tori and standing up again. ''Where did you say your parents and Ollie went?'' Nick asks Charlie. ''My dads parents.'' he answers. ''From Chasens?'' Y/n asks, already wandering through the living room while looking at every little thing. ''Yes'' Charlie once again answers. ''They seemed nice. Are they nice?'' Y/n asks, inspecting a picture of small Tori and Charlie with baby Ollie. ''They are, yes.'' Tori says. ''You were very cute, you both were. Where did it go wrong?'' Y/n asks curiously. ''Excuse me?'' Charlie asks fake offended. ''You know what I mean. When did you lose that cuteness kids have? I mean, Nick still hasn't lost it. He still looks like a big baby.'' Y/n answers. ''That's lovely, Y/n/n, truly.'' Nick answers flatly. ''I don't mean it in a bad way!'' Y/n says to Nick. ''You can be very direct, you know that?'' Nick asks Y/n, to which she answers with a shrug. ''That's a Dutch thing apparently. They're just more direct than other cultures are.'' Tori answers, finally looking at Y/n. ''How do you know that?'' Y/n asks curiously, ''I was bored a few weeks ago, so i watched those stupid videos which tells you things over Dutch people.'' She answers, very monotone. Y/n snorts to that.

''Tori, do you mind calling for pizza's?'' Charlie asks. ''Yeah'' she answers, before signalling to Y/n to follow her. ''Please?'' Charlie pleads, Tori sighs, ''Fine, what pizza do you guys want?'' Tori asks. ''Mozzarella for me and pepperoni for Nick.'' he answers. ''Fine, I'll call in a sec.'' And with that she walks out of the living room and upstairs, with Y/n following close behind.

Once they were in Tori's room, Y/n also began looking around in that room, even though she's seen that room quite a few times too. ''What kind of pizza do you want?'' Tori asks, sitting on her bed. ''I don't know, what are you getting?'' Y/n asks. ''Probably a boring one with only cheese and sauce.'' She answers, ''Get me that as well then, please.'' Y/n answers simply. ''You sure?'' Tori asks, ''Yeah'' Y/n nods.

Tori dials the right number and starts calling. ''Hello, yes i'd like to order 4 pizza's to deliver.'' She says to the other person on the phone. ''One pepperoni, one mozzarella and two margherita pizzas please.'' She tells him or her, ''No 7:30 is fine. Yeah, thanks. Bye.'' She says bored, before hanging up.

Y/n stops walking around and turns towards Tori, ''Be my girlfriend.'' She says. ''What?'' Tori replies. ''Will you be my girlfriend, Tori?'' Y/n asks, not quite being able to hold her face straight while looking at Tori's shocked one. So she smiles at her. ''Will you?'' Y/n asks again.

It's quiet for a few seconds, ''Why?'' Tori asks, barely audible. ''Because, however terrible this may sound, I'm crazy about you. I very much like you, and you told me you liked me as well.'' She answers, almost in a whisper. Y/n goes and sits down next to Tori. ''But what makes the difference?'' Tori asks. ''It doesn't really. Only a different word.'' Y/n answers. ''Then why do you want that?'' Tori asks, still confused. After a few seconds Y/n answers, ''Because it feels right.'' while looking absolutely lovesick at Tori, which she notices, and makes her crazy. A good crazy.

''I hate you.'' Tori says, before breaking out in one of the biggest smiles she's ever shown anyone. Y/n chuckles, ''So is that a yes...? Or?'' Tori sighs, shaking her head. ''It's a yes. Fine. Fine!'' She grabs Y/n's face with both hands and looks in her eyes. Which she would normally hate. But not with her. Not with Y/n.

Heartstopper: Tori x Reader (fem)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora