Chapter 21, bloody basketball

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(3th person POV) saturday, 10th of december

Y/n woke up early, she didn't really know why. Yes, she had an early game today, but she still didn't have to get up for another 3 hours. Her game starts at 10 AM. It's currently 5:30, and she's wide awake.

Y/n lays on her back and stares at the ceiling, thinking about the game. Because this wasn't gonna be the easiest match. Higgs was now in 2nd place, and the school they had to play against today, stood first. Apparently they play a bit... aggressively. Atleast, that's what she heard from the girls on the team who played against them last year. They lost.

But even the girls from Higgs's team and the coach have to agree that the team had improved a lot this year. By quite something as well. Y/n didn't know what changed for them, but whatever it was, she was very much glad she was a part of it.

But still, she just couldn't stop thinking about today's match. Nick said he would come, which is amazing, if you'd ask Y/n. She also was pretty sure that Charlie would come, because Nick and Charlie are never that far apart. And secretly, Y/n hopes that Charlie will bring Tori. But Tori hadn't said anything about it to Y/n, so she didn't want to get her hopes up.

But would the Termoni school be that good? Will they be that aggressive? It may not sound very appealing to most, but Y/n can't bloody wait to find out. She always loved games where there was a bit of action.

She didn't want to be hit in the face, at all. That's not what she wants. But games with a lot of fouls are just so funny and fun to play. She loves those games. And not because she likes that people could get hurt (that doesn't happen that often), but because then you know something will truly happen in the game, it's exciting.

And with that thought, the game, excitement, possibly a very close and probably a very exciting game, she couldn't stay in bed much longer. She just couldn't.

Y/n stood up and decided she would change into her clothes. She grabs her sweatpants, which are too short, and her sweater and changes into them before quietly making her way towards the bathroom. As she looks in the mirror, she lets her eyes drag over her face. And boy is she not enjoying the sight of that right now.

She never was ashamed of her scars, or found herself ugly because of them. Or at least, Y/n didn't have that feeling for long periods. But some days, not many, but some days she wished she could make them disappear. Some days, she was a bit ashamed of them. She got that feeling less and less as she got older, but it's still there sometimes.

Y/n sighs before grabbing Sarahs hair brush that laid in the bathroom, and starts untangling her hair. After a few combs, she puts her hair in a high bun and looks at herself again. She can't help but get the feeling that she's starting to look more like her father. If she ignores those scars.

When Y/n was younger, she was always told that she looked like her mother. But over the years, she started to look more like her father, and that's something she's very happy about. That way she can easily hold on to her father. Not because she hadn't let him go, as in that she didn't let go of him now that he was dead. But in the way that it's just a small, nice reminder of him. Because boy, was she glad that her father was Alden Nelson. Even though he wasn't there for many years, he was still the best father in the world for the period he was there.

With the memories of her father, the hateful thoughts about her looks fade away slightly. She's still not totally happy with them right now, but she sets it away for now. Besides, she already knows that the feeling would be gone by tomorrow, probably.

After what she thought was only a few minutes, she hears a quiet knock on the door. Y/n opens the door to see Sarah standing outside the bathroom. ''Goodmorning sweety. Are you almost finished here?'' she asks with a small smile. ''Yeah, I'm done. It's all yours.'' Y/n smiles back, stepping out of the bathroom and around her aunt. ''Do you know what time it is?'' She asked her aunt quickly before Sarah could close the door. ''Yeah, it's 7:30. You're quite early.'' she answers. Y/n nods before grabbing her phone from her room and walks downstairs.

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