Part 13 Part.2, before work

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"...That wasn't- Dont change the subject here!" Nick says, face all red. "Yes. Tori, what the fuck!" Charlie exclaims. Can we just not talk about this? " she asked," I really don't feel like this is something we should talk about..." Tori ads. "And Nicholas I told you I was going to Tori's and you didn't think to tell me you were coming too?" I ask. "Well I didn't think I would see you and Tori getting off on the couch." Nick defends. "What?! We Weren't!" I sigh. ''Let's make a deal, alright? No more heavily make out sessions in a public space, deal?'' Charlie asks. I can see that Tori's face and neck is flushing all red, which i can't help but laugh lightly at, ''Yes, deal.'' I agree.

Before we know it, we are actually just sitting around the table with cups of tea in our hands. ''Why aren't you together?'' Nick asks, out of the blue. Tori chokes on her tea, and starts coughing violently. I kick Nick in the shin under the table, ''Ow! Why?'' Nick asks me. ''No, but seriously,'' Charlie starts, ''Tori, you have talked about her for a long time. Like, in the lovey dovey way. You have liked each other for 2 months! Over 2 months even, why not act on it?'' He asks. ''I don't think this concerns you two.'' Tori says, sending daggers to the boy's direction with her eyes. ''I agree with her.'' I smile mischiefly.

''I have a question,'' Tori starts, ''Y/n, you said you moved here with your parents-'' Oh no, oh no no no. I look alarmed at Nick, who looks confused, just like Charlie. ''So I was wondering, how do you and your parents fit in your house?'' She points at Nick. Nobody answers, it's quiet. I really have to stop lying and making excuses, it's my fault everyone is in this awkward position. ''Uhm, i haven't been totally honest to you, Tori...'' I start, alarmed. Just then, the clock on the wall reads 4:30 PM. ''Kutzooi [shit]'' I say in a sing-song voice. ''And I'll explain it to you, all of you. I'll tell you everything Nick, I promise. But I have to be at work in 15 minutes, so I really have to go. I'm sorry! Can you come by tomorrow?'' I ask Tori, which she answers with an hesitant nod. Then I look at Nick, he gives me a nod and a smile. ''Charlie, feel free to also come, really.'' I smile at him. ''I'll be done by ten tonight. I'll be home before 10:30.'' I say to Nick. ''Okay, bye!'' I say while standing up. Without thinking I kiss Tori on the cheek and walk out the room, with a ''Bye'' and a ''Goodluck'' from the boys.

I close the front door behind me and grab my bike. I swing my bag on my back and start cycling to work. With 5 minutes to spare, I walk in the restaurant and make my way to the back. I quickly change in the backroom, 'cause I forgot to change my clothes at Tori's. Then i walk to the supervisor. ''Alright, you'll do the orders on side A, alright?'' She asks me. ''Yes, alright.'' i say. I make my way to side A and let the other person, who's shift I'm taking over, know that she can leave. Side A is the right side of the restaurant. B is the other side, and C is the terras. And yes we have heaters on the terras in the winter, or late autumn like it is now. I immediately get called over to a family of 4. ''Good afternoon, have you made your choice?'' I ask them with a nice smile. ''I was wondering what the dish of tonight is?'' the man asks. ''As the dish of the night, the chef has prepared a nice Victorian sea bass, with mashed potatoes and grilled zucchini.'' I say warmly. ''I'll take that one pleas.'' The man smiles. ''I'd like that too.'' The woman opposite of him says. ''Alright. And for the young man?'' I ask the small boy, who couldn't be much older than 6. ''FIsh and Chips.'' he smiles shyly. ''Fish and Chips, always a good choice!'' Then I turn to the older girl, my guess is that she's around 12 years old. ''Firstly, I love your braid! Did you do that?'' I ask her. ''I did, yeah. Thank you!'' She smiles, ''And do you know what you'd like to eat?'' i ask her. ''Yes, i'd like the burger please.'' She says kindly. ''And how do you want the burger baked?'' I ask her, ''Medium, please.'' she answers. ''Alright, can I also get you something to drink?'' I ask the family. And that is what I do, for the rest of the night.

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