Chapter 17, confusing holiday

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(Tori's POV) Saturday, the 3rd of december.

I just got out of bed. No it's not early, but also not very late if you ask me. It's 12:30. I walk downstairs and see Charlie and Ollie sitting on the couch, also still in pyjamas, watching TV. ''Where are mum and dad?'' I ask them, noticing that they are indeed not here. ''Dad is biking with a mate and mum has gone to the hairdresser, library and is buying groceries.'' Charlie answers me. ''Hm, okay.'' I nod and walk to the kitchen to get me a breaky and tea.

''You know that your girlfriend drinks her tea without milk?'' Charlie asks me as I sit down with them. ''It's not done a lot in other country's right?'' I ask, ''Yeah, but she is partly English. It's in her DNA.'' he points out. I hum in agreement. ''Did you sleep well Tori?'' Ollie asks me. ''I did, and you?'' I ask him with a small smile ghosting my lips. ''Good'' he smiles. My phone lights up.

Y/n: Wanna meet me later at the diner? Need to run some arends and i don't want to go alone

Sure, I want to meet her at the diner. But what the fuck does she have to do? What is a 'arend'?

Tori: Sure, but what the fuck is a arends?

Y/n: You know the thing when you have to buy shit and go around stores for it??

I chuckle slightly. ''What?'' Charlie asks. ''Y/n just texted me and says she has to run some 'arends'. A R E N D S. And she means errands. I don't know, it's quite funny.'' i explain with a laugh. ''Got to love the other Eurpeans and their English.'' Charlie says amused.

Tori: Sure, i'l help you run some ERRANDS

Y/n: What ever, it's the same fucking thing

Y/n: Meet me at 2 at Chasens

Tori: We'll do

I'm standing outside Chasens, and it's an understatement when I say it's cold. It's like 2 degrees. I'm wearing a thick coat, scarf, hat and gloves. And I've been waiting for a few minutes, and Y/n is still not here.

After a few more minutes of waiting in the cold I finally see Y/n/n coming. She has her bike in hand and stops walking when she's next to me. ''Hi, sorry i'm late.'' she apologises. ''No worries.'' I say before giving her a peck on the lips. And at moments like this, i wonder what the fuck i'm doing. She's not my girlfriend. ''So what are we doing here? What a r e n d s do we have to run?'' I ask her with an innocent smile. ''Oh fuck off you tosser.'' she laughs. ''Well, it's Sinterklaas' birthday this monday. So i want to get a few small presents for some people.'' she explains. ''Sorry, who's birthday? Sin- Klaos?'' I ask her, confused. She stifles a laugh. ''Sinterklaas. It's like Santaclaus, but then for Dutch and Belgium people. And also a few other country's i believe.'' she explains. ''So he's the same man as Santa but with a Dutch name?'' I ask confused. ''No, not really. Sinterklaas lives in Spain and comes for a few weeks every year. He comes with his Pieten, somewhat like the elves, but more important and they're human.'' She shrugs. ''Okay, sorry, I still don't really... You lost me at Spain.'' I scoff playfully. ''No worries. All you have to know is that I need to buy a few small presents for some people.'' she says with a smile. I nod. And I can't help but notice her red nose and ears. I look at her properly. And I realise that she's wearing trousers that are too short, and a not so thick coat. At least she's wearing gloves. ''Aren't you cold?'' I ask her with a furrow. ''Not that cold. You get used to the cold when you're in it for some time.'' She shrugs before she starts walking. I quickly follow and start walking next to her. ''I don't think I've ever seen you with good fitting trousers on.'' I point out. She keeps looking at the pavement in front of us. ''Do you own a pair?'' I ask her. ''These fit.'' She says a bit quietly. ''No they don't.'' I mutter under my breath. I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable. ''So where is our first stop?'' I ask her, changing the subject. She looks at me, ''We're actually already here.'' She smiles. We stop at the store where you can buy loads of things. A lot of people go here for gifts or when they need something like a new pan. ''This is always a good place for gifts.'' I say. She locks her bike and opens the door for me. ''Thank you'' I say to her as i walk in. ''So why do you have your bike when you're walking anyway?'' I ask her as we walk through the store. ''Well, I was planning on biking here, but i soon realised it was very slippy outside.'' She explains. ''Well, how could you know? It's not like it's almost freezing outside.'' I say sarcastically. She flips me off before walking to the next aisle.

''That'll be 44,53.'' the cashier says to us as we're standing at the cash out. She hands the money and off we went. ''So what next?'' I ask. ''Well, I actually got everything. I didn't think i would find it all there.'' she shrugs. ''Want to come to mine for a while?'' She asks me. I nod with a smile. I have been at Nick's before, but that was before Y/n. We always go to mine.

We're standing outside the door, and Y/n hands me her keys. ''Can you open the door?'' She asks. Her hands are carrying two bags. ''They're in my right pocket.'' She says. I dig in her right-coat pocket and get the keychain. I look at the keys in my hand, ''Uh, which one is it?'' I ask her. ''The round silver one.'' She answers. While i open the door, i ask ''Why do you have so many keys?'' i open the door and let her in. ''One for the front and back door. One for my bike and 1 for the front, back and mailbox door at home.'' She explains. ''Home being the Netherlands?'' I ask her. ''Yeah'' She says while dropping the bags on the table and pulling her shoes off. ''Want something to drink?'' She asks me. ''Please'' I say while jumping on the kitchen counter. ''Tea?'' she asks, already grabbing two mugs. ''Yes please.'' I say happily. She puts on the cattle and opens a cupboard. ''What kind of tea do you want?'' I ask her. ''English Breaky is good.'' I smile at her. ''Yes ma'am.''

A few minutes later and i get a warm cup of tea pushed in my hands, ''Thank you.'' I smile at her, giving her a kiss. She gives me a warm smile and leans against the counter opposite of me. I can't help but look and adore how she's standing there, warming her hands with her tea, with her nose still red. ''I know you're looking at me.'' She says spontaneously. I immediately look away. ''I wasn't'' I say defensively. I can hear her moving, and the next thing she says, ''I like it when you look at me.'' my heart skips a beat. And I can hear that she's standing right in front of me. Slowly I turn my head back towards her, and indeed, she's standing right in front of me. ''You do?'' I ask her. Setting my cup down next to me. ''Mhm'' she murmurs, before placing a very soft kiss on my lips. And without thinking, I pull her between my legs and pull her body against mine. She slowly places her lips on mine again. It's soft, slow and it makes me feel like I have thousands of butterflies flying in my stomach. Her slightly dry lips feel like heaven right now. And yes I'm aware that that sounds very overdone. But it feels like how a beautiful sunset looks. I can't really put it into words. We break apart, and we just look at each other. Her eyes looking in mine, and mine in hers. It's a nice moment, until she puts her cold hands under my shirt on my warm back. I shriek, and she starts laughing. ''You absolute utterly dimwitted shit!'' I shudder. ''Aw, I'm sorry.'' She fake pouts, giving me a hug that makes me feel like a small child. ''Did you know that you're very childish?'' I ask her daringly. ''Please, you like that about me.'' She chuckles. I squint my eyes at her. ''I hope your sleeves get wet when you wash your hands.'' I answer. She gasps, ''You haven't just wished me that.'' She has a hand over her chest. ''Oh but i did.'' I smile, grabbing my tea and sipping it.

Y/n starts grabbing a bowl and all sorts of ingredients and places them on the counter next to me. ''What are you doing?'' I ask her. She turns to me with one eyebrow raised, ''What does it look like?'' She asks with a smile. ''Fine. Why are you grabbing all of this?'' I ask. ''Because i'm gonna make pepernoten.'' She states, before diving back in the refrigerator. ''You're making what?'' i ask her, confused, for the millionth time today. ''The official name is kruidnoten.'' she says. ''Right... And what is that?'' she chuckles. ''It's a delicacy you eat with Sinterklaas. They are very small... cookies i guess? They're quite addicting. And you only eat them once a year. That makes it extra good.'' She says. ''Sounds good. I'll watch.'' I say with a chuckle. ''Yeah alright.'' She laughs.

And that's what I did. I watched as she made them. Well, I watched her mostly.

''I'll see you on Monday then.'' I say to her, putting on my boots. ''I guess so.'' She breathes out. ''I really don't wanna go in the cold.'' I smile slightly. ''Then don't. Just stay!'' She smiles brightly. ''I wish I could. But right now, I have to pay for my decision of putting on a not so warm sweater.'' I smile. ''You can borrow one of mine.'' She says. ''No, it's my own fault. I'll survive.'' i say immediately. ''I'm grabbing you one. Just accept it.'' She says, already walking up the stairs. Not even a few minutes later, she comes running down with a red sweater. ''Here you go.'' She smiles as she hands me the sweater. ''Thanks'' I breathe out, a bit flustered at the statement. I pull the sweater over my head and see her flushing red a bit. I smile to myself and put on my coat, scarf and lastly my gloves. ''Bye'' I say to her. ''Bye'' she says. I give her a quick kiss and start walking back home. And i'm not as cold as i was this morning (literally also the afternoon) when i was walking in the same cold, without the red sweater on.

Heartstopper: Tori x Reader (fem)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin