Chapter 1, the first day

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(Sarah's POV)

Y/n could knock on the door with social services any second. She flew here from Amsterdam together with a social case worker. ''Nick, could you come down? She could be here any minute!'' I could hear him walking down the stairs. He walks into the living room, as always in sweatpants and a sweater. Just as I was about to say something the doorbell rings. I walk together with Nick towards the front door, both nervous about seeing Y/n again. Her mother wouldn't let us see her anymore, so it had been quite some time.

I open the door and see Y/n standing there, looking way older than that 7 year old girl i remember. ''Sarah!'' She hugs me right away, I squeeze her tightly, glad to have her here. She then gives Nick a hug. I shake hands with the social worker I had met a few times. ''Well, Y/n, I'm leaving now.'' She says to Y/n. ''It's about time.'' She sighs. I chuckle, ''Thank you, have a nice day!'' I wish her well before closing the door.

(Nick's POV)

I look Y/n up and down, she still looks a bit like how I remember her. But she is tall, really tall, well, for a girl. But of course she is from the Netherlands after all, the tallest people on the planet. My guess is that she's around 5 foot 10. So only a few inches shorter than me. ''You're tall.'' I smile. ''I could say the same to you! I heard you're a really good rugby player now too!'' She exclaims, I laugh. I know my mom and her have talked over the phone for the last few weeks, but I didn't think it would go about me playing rugby. I could hear mum gasp next to me and place her hand over her mouth, like she's shocked. ''What has that woman do to you?'' It sounds like she almost wants to cry. I take a good look at her and see several scars. Y/n chuckles, ''Yeah, she has been angry for a while now.'' She answers calmly. I smile at her casualness. ''Very well then, she can do no more things like that now, your safe.'' Mum says to her, ''Thank you.'' She smiles honestly. ''Nick, can you show her to her room?'' I nod and begin to walk upstairs, she follows close behind. ''So, tell me. What have you been up to?'' She asks me, and I walk in her room. ''Well, I'm sixteen now. I play rugby and you could say, I'm fairly good. My lovely brother David is off to university thank god! And I'm a student at Truham.'' I explain while she's walking around the room, taking in her surroundings. ''So Truham, is that also the school I'm going too?'' She asks me, ''No, it's an all boys school. You're going to Higgs, the girl's version of Truham.'' I smile. ''Wait, there are actually boys and girls schools here? We don't have that anymore.'' She chuckles, ''Don't tell me there is also a uniform?'' She asks with hope in her eyes. ''I have to disappoint you...'' I smirk, ''No! God, why?'' She laughs. ''Isn't this David's room?'' she asks me, ''Yes it is, but he barely comes home, so when he comes he can take the couch or something.'' I shrug, she smiles at me. ''I'm glad you're here.'' i say to her, ''Me too.''

After she unpacked a few of her things, we are now eating dinner. ''So, tell me something. What have you done the last few years?'' My mum asks her, she swallows her food, ''Well, I played basketball for the last 6 years, I was captain the last three. And I worked a lot. I worked at a library, a restaurant and i would tutor kids on school.'' she explains. ''How did you manage to do all those jobs, and become captain of your basketball team?'' I ask disbelieved. ''Well, i did nothing further, i still had plenty of time to get bored.'' she chuckles. ''Is there a basketball club here?'' She asks, ''Well, Higgs has its own girlsteam. You could try out!'' i explain, ''That's a great idea, thanks. I also have to find a job. Do you maybe know of a place that still needs people?'' She looks at both me and mum. ''I think they need people at the library in Truham.'' i say, ''Yes, there was an e-mail about that.'' my mum agrees. ''Good, then i'll try to get a job there.'' she smiles.

(Your POV)

The next day is monday. And it's my first day at Higgs. It kind of sucks. I'm not in the same school as Nick, but nothing can change that now, right? Sarah gave me my uniform yesterday and it's not my favourite thing, shocker. It has a skirt, which I haven't worn in ages, and the shirt is a little big. And since it's summer, the year has only started for a few weeks, so we don't get any leggings. I'm most definitely not ashamed of my scars, but people always find the need to stare or show attitude because I have them. I walk downstairs and see Nick eating breakfast and Sarah who's reading the newspaper. I sat down at an empty plate and looked at the table. There was toast, and cereal. ''Good morning'' I say, ''Morning.'' Nick says with a full mouth. ''Are you ready for your first day?'' Sarah asks me, ''As ready as you can be.'' I smile. I ate my toast and off we went, Sarah was driving us. We stopped close to the schools, ''Thanks for driving.'' I say, ''Have a good day mum.'' Nick ads. And there we were, the first day of school. We walk further and I saw a lot of boys in the same clothes and a lot of girls in the same clothes. The girls all went to the gate and most boys walked further to another building. ''This is your stop.'' Nick turns to me, I look a bit nervous at the other people. ''You're gonna be fine. And if there is something, you can always text me or call me.'' he says, thank god we exchanged numbers. ''Yes, thank you. Good luck today.'' i say to him, ''You too.'' and with that he walks off. So I turn and walk in the school gates. I look around me and see most girls are already going inside, so I followed them. The first class I had was form. I have no idea what it really is, but it is a class with no homework so I guess it's fine. I make my way to room B22. On my way there alot of girls stare, most definitely also because of my height. I'm 6 inches (around 14 cm) taller than most girls here, at least. I come to the classroom I was looking for and walk in. I walk towards the desk with a teacher on it, if i had it right, is his name Mr. Farouk. ''Morning, sir.'' I say to him, he looks at me a bit confused. ''You must be the new student.'' He says to me, i nod. ''Welcome...'' he looks at a note on his desk, ''Welcome Y/n.'' he smiles. ''Thank you sir.'' I smile, he looks at a notepad on his desk, ''You can go and sit, right over there.'' He points at a free seat next to a girl in the back of the room. ''Thank you.'' and then I walked to the seat. I place my bag on the ground and sit down. I look next to me and see a girl, who has dark long hair, with bangs. She also looks like she hasn't slept well in ages. ''Hi, I'm Y/n.'' I smile at her. She looks at me, with the best poker face I have ever seen. ''Hello.'' she answers, ''What's your name?'' I ask, ''Does it matter?'' she asks, ''Only if you want it too.'' I tease, she rolls her eyes and looks back forward. ''Good morning everyone.'' Mr. Farouk starts. ''Today I have two short announcements before you can work on your own things.'' he says to the whole class, but now he turns to me. ''First, we have a new student. That there is Y/n.'' he points at me. ''She just moved here, make her feel welcome.'' he says, not with the most excited tone. ''The next thing is that there will be tryouts for sports teams and other clubs tomorrow. And that there are also a lot of job offers here at school. You will get a list of me with all the things they need and want, make a good choice and do something for the school, yeah?'' He says, he looks around the class with the lists in his hand. ''Y/n, you can hand them out. Then you can learn some names.'' i sigh, ''And Victoria, if you could help her?'' He looks at the girl next to me. ''So your name is Victoria?'' I smirk at her. ''Don't. If you must, call me Tori.'' She answers, I nod, with the same smirk on my face. We stand up, and the first thing i notice is the look on Tori's face when she sees our height difference. ''You're bloody tall.'' She looks me up and down. ''Or you're small.'' I answer. ''No, you're tall. You're even taller than half of the boys and men i know.'' I chuckle at her comment. We walk up to the desk and get the lists from Mr. Farouk and start handing them out. When I'm done I sit back down next to Tori and look at the things on the list. I see there are tryouts for basketball as well. Good, that's tomorrow. And for jobs, indeed library and tutoring is on the list. But I'd rather work at the library than work with other kids. ''You're planning on doing any of this?'' Tori asks me, ''Yeah, I need a job. And i like playing basketball, so why not tryout.'' I answer. ''Are you?'' I ask, ''Most definitely not, sports are boring. And if I want a job, then i'm not working at my school.'' She answers. ''Do you ever smile?'' i ask her, actually curious. She looks at me, disbelieving I just asked that. ''Only with people i really like.'' she answers. ''And how many people are that?'' I turn to look at her, fully now. She does the same thing. ''Three. My two brothers and Becky.'' she points at a girl with purple hair. ''Is that your friend or girlfriend?'' I ask her, she looks at me, like i'm stupid. ''Does a girl with purple hair look like my type?'' she asks, ''So friends.'' I chuckle.

The rest of the day was pretty boring. I told Nick and Sarah that they could go without me, cause I had to fill out the slip for tryouts and made my way to the library. To take a look if it's a place I want to spend time. It was not. It was small, boring and it didn't even have really good looking books. So now I am on the bus, almost back home. I get out and open the door with my key and walk in. Sarah had a meeting this afternoon so she had probably gone to work when she had dropped Nick back home. I decided that i'm gonna talk to Nick, or irritate him or something. So I walk to his room. I open the door and see Nick kissing..., a boy? I didn't know he was gay. They jump away from each other on the bed and the other boy looks down. ''Sorry, I didn't mean to... interrupt.'' I'm already closing the door, until I hear Nick's voice. ''No, wait. It doesn't matter. Come in.'' He says, so I open the door and walk further in. He points for me to sit at his desk, so I do. ''Y/n this is Charlie, Charlie this is Y/n. Y/n is my cousin I told you about.'' I extend my hand and he shakes it, ''It's nice to meet you Charlie.'' I smile, ''Nice to meet you too.'' he answers back with a smile. ''Y/n, Charlie is my boyfriend, we've been dating for over a year now.'' I look at Nick and I can see he is a bit nervous about telling me. ''A year? That's amazing.'' Nick looks at me, a bit relieved. ''Since i'm telling you all this stuff, what is one thing more right?'' He laughs nervously. ''What? If you want to tell me you're gay or something else, i figured since you have a boyfriend.'' I chuckle, so does Charlie. ''Yes, well, I'm bi.'' he explains. ''It's great that you have figured that out about yourself Nick.'' I look at him, he looks relieved and relaxed now. ''Why were you so nervous about telling me?'' I ask him. ''I don't know, I haven't seen you in a long time. I don't know.'' he chuckles. ''Well, if it helps, I'm also not straight.'' I smile at him. Charlie chuckles, ''Why do we know so many people who are queer?'' He laughs. ''You do?'' I ask surprised. ''Yeah, you should meet them. They would like you. I'm sure.'' Nick tells me. ''I would love too.'' I smile. ''I have one more question before i leave you to feasting each other's lips.'' I smirk, Nick and Charlie instantly go red. ''Are you younger than him? Like maybe a year?'' I ask Charlie. ''Yes, he is. I'm 15.'' he smiles, ''Ha, i knew it. Okay bye now.'' I stand up with a wink and walk out.

(Charlie's POV)

Y/n walks out and closes the door. ''So that's Y/n.'' I laugh, Nick chuckles. ''Yes, that's Y/n.'' he sighs, smiling. ''She's nice.'' I say, he nods. ''Yeah, she is.'' There is something I wondered. ''How come she lives with you and Sarah?'' I ask. ''Well, I don't know everything. She hasn't told me or mum much. But she moved here from the Netherlands. Her father died 8 years ago I think. Her mom went bad after that, now she's in prison. My mum and I are the only known family of hers, together with my grandparents, but we were the more logical option.'' He explains. ''Shit..'' I say, he nods. ''Well, I think it's great she's here. I missed her alot. We were close when we were younger.'' He smiles.

It's two hours later and I have to go home. I walk downstairs with Nick and see Y/n doing homework, or trying to do homework but actually laying on her books with her phone in her hands. ''Bye, nice meeting you.'' I say to her from the hall. She sits up straight, ''It was nice meeting you too. Bye!'' she replies. Nick kisses me and gives me a hug. ''Bye, love you.'' I say, ''Love you too.'' he replies and I walk out the door. I walk home to find Tori and Olly playing Mario kart. ''Hey'' I say to them. ''Charlie, I'm losing. Can you help me?'' Olly asks, I chuckle and go to sit next to him. ''How was it at Nick's?'' Tori asks me. ''It was fun. I met his cousin who lives with them now. She's nice.'' i say. ''That's good.'' She mutters in her concentration in beating Olly and I.

Heartstopper: Tori x Reader (fem)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora