Chapter 2, try-outs

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(Tori's POV, the next morning)

I'm sitting on the bus with Charlie. We're not having a conversation, but we do have a nice silence. When we get out I walk further towards Higgs and he walks in the gates towards Truham.

When I get to my form class, I can see that Y/n isn't there yet. I'm not early, I wonder why she isn't here yet. I don't care, obviously. But the bell rings in a minute, literally. Maybe she's ill, or has a doctor's appointment or something. Mr Farouk tries to get our attention so he can start the class, but is interrupted by the door that swings open. In runs Y/n, who is out of breath. ''I'm sorry, the car broke down on our way here.'' she explains to him. ''Just go and sit down.'' She nods and walks over to her chair next to me. ''Actually, i was still on time.'' she whispers to me, I feel a small smirk forming on my face. ''Did the car actually broke down?'' I ask her, ''No, i was simply late.'' she answered, a smile appears on my face. ''So, does this mean we're friends?'' She asks me, I look at her confused. ''You just smiles, you only do that with people you like.'' She nudges my arm. ''Shut up.'' i answer. ''So that's a yes, right?'' she says it more like an answer than a question. I look back at Mr. Farouk, and when she does too, I feel that smile fade away.

The day is over, finally. It lasted extra long today since I needed a stupid book from the library and I couldn't find it, so that took me almost an hour. I make my way towards my locker and walk past the gym. I see Mr. Taylor and some girls playing basketball. In the middle of the girls I see a familiar face, Y/n. She gets the ball passed and has out runned the other girls. She has no defenders in front of her, clearly, she notices that as well. She makes her way to the basket, holds the ball in her hand, takes two steps and brings the ball up. She lets it go, the ball goes through the corner off the small square on the bord and goes straight into the basket. She scored. Mr. Taylor blows his whistle. ''Alright girls, that was it. I know who I want as my base players. The players who will be benched or who I have to disappoint, I will let you know tomorrow.'' he says to the fifteen girls in front of him. They all look a bit nervous, so does Y/n. She's picking her nails, who are really short already. ''As my guard, I want Olivia. As for my forwards, I want Tina and Susan. And as my centres, i want Barbara and Y/n.'' A small smile forms on my face and I can see that a wave of relief floods over her face, and then she looks at the door. We make eye contact immediately. After a few seconds I break it and I walk further towards my locker. As I'm putting things in my bag, someone comes to stand next to me against the other lockers. ''Hey.'' Y/n says, of course. ''So, did you make the team?'' I ask her, like I don't know that already. ''Yeah, I did. But you knew that already.'' She smirks at me, AGAIN. ''So, what are you doing here? Or were you actually just waiting until I was done?'' She smirks down at me. ''Right, definitely was.'' I say sarcastically. ''So what were you doing then?'' She asks me. She's all red from running. She's wearing a black t-shirt, not a sports one but just a normal black shirt. Together with a pair of grey sweatpants, which are a bit small, not that I noticed. ''I was in the library, actually.'' I say to her in reply, already walking away to go home. She grabs her bag from the floor and comes walking next to me. ''Aren't you supposed to shower with your team or something?'' I ask her, looking straight forward. ''Yes, but there were too many jealous girls in there. That could seriously be my death. I'll do it when practice starts next week.'' She shrugs. We walk further in silence, we both walk towards the bus stop and come there to an end. I could see the bus turn into the street. ''I didn't know you took the bus.'' I say to her as the bus comes to a stop in front of us. ''I don't.'' She smiles at me and walks off. I scoff, but with a smile on my face, which I dropped, I don't smile, only if I like the person. I have known her for two days, you can't become friends in two days.

When I get home, I go straight towards Charlie's room, he's playing the drums. ''Hey'' I say to him. ''Hi?'' he replies. ''Something happened today.'' I say to him, he furrows his eyebrows together. ''No, it's stupid. Bye.'' I stand up, but he beats me to the door. ''What is it then?'' He asks me, I look him in the eye. ''I smiled today, at school. I even laughed.'' I explain, he looks a bit lost in thoughts. ''Was it with Becky?'' he asks, ''No, that's the thing. It's with a girl I met yesterday. I sit next to her in form.'' He makes an 'O' shape with his mouth. ''You should be friends with her.'' He says, i sigh. ''Geez, thanks.'' I say sarcastically and walk out of his room.

(Nick's POV)

The door swings open and in walks Y/n. ''How did it went?'' I ask her, hoping to not sound too cheerful, for if it's bad news. She turns and looks at me, ''You're looking at one of the new centres!'' A huge smile forms on her face. I jump off the couch, ''You are? That's amazing!'' I high five her and smile along with her. That's actually really great. She can now make friends and do what she loves here. ''When is your first game?'' I ask her, she walks to the hall and drops her back and walks back in. ''In three weeks already! It's going to be amazing.'' she jumps on the couch and falls back with a relieved smile. ''So who's the captain?'' she thinks for a minute, ''I think her name is Clarice, or something? She was on the team last year as well. She's in your year.'' I hum, not knowing who she is, but it sounds like she knows what she's doing. The door in the living room opens once again, it was mum who got home from work. ''Hello, darlings. How were your days?'' she asks us both. ''It was good.'' I smile, Y/n hums in agreement. ''Y/n, how was the try-out?'' She asks, looking hopeful. ''I made it! Not even benched.'' mum claps her hands and has a proud look on her face, ''Well done.''

Later that day, when Y/n was walking Nelly, I was sitting with mum in the kitchen. ''Mum, i'm going to ask you something, and i'm sure you're not gonna answer, but I still want to ask.'' I say to her, she looks up from the newspaper with her eyebrows scrunched up ''Well, you can still ask.'' i think for a second, how am i gonna ask this. ''It's about Y/n.'' i start, hoping that she actually would just stop me and start telling me things, but she doesn't. ''What happened? Why is her mum in prison? Why does she have these scars? Did her mother do that? And why?'' I ask it all, very hurriedly, I'm not sure she heard them all correctly. Mum places her newspaper on the table and looks at me. ''I don't have the answers to all of these questions. And I know that if she wants to tell you, she will. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but i think she will.'' Mum smiles warmly at me, I sigh and nod. She's right, the one who should tell me that, if she wants, should be Y/n.

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