Season 0 Episode 2: King Of Shadow

Start from the beginning

Nya: (Fearfully.) Trust me, I'm not going anywhere.

Kai: (To Garmadon.) You can't hurt us! You're only a shadow!

Garmadon: Even shadows have their uses.

(A shadow version of Kai appears in front of him and Nya.)

Nya: Kai! Look out!

Kai: Stay back, Nya.

Nya: Stay close, stay back. Make up your mind. (She hides behind a rock.)

(Kai attempts to attack his own shadow, but nothing is working while the shadow easily attacks him.)

Nya: That's not fair!

Garmadon: Oh, am I being too hard? (More Kai shadows are created.)

Kazashi: Just Zip your shut mouth Garmadon! You can ruin our champion, but you can't ruin the day! (Kai look at him shocked, as he jump and fight the shadow Kai.)

Garmadon: Now this is getting interesting.

(Kai struggles to get up as he trying to fight them. One of the shadows disarms him and picks up the sword Kazashi is about to help him but Sensei Wu appears out of nowhere and attacks the shadows, retrieving the sword back.)

Garmadon: Brother. I see you protect two, but what about the other four?

Sensei Wu: They are safe! Far from you grasp, Garmadon!

Garmadon: I wouldn't be so confident.

Kazashi: Huh?

(Garmadon shows Kai, Kazashi, and Sensei Wu what is currently happening at the Forest of Tranquility. Cole & Aya wakes up in front of a Skulkin Warrior and reaches for his scythe, but it is taken by Kruncha while Nuckal stands on top of Zane and Jay and Samukai wields the collected Golden Weapons.)

Sensei Wu: My brother must not unite the four weapons. We must keep them apart! (As Sensei Wu, Nya, Kai and Kazashi attempt to escape the Fire Temple, Garmadon wakes up the to stop them from doing so.)

Garmadon: Awaken, guardian of the deep! They're stealing the Sword! You must not let them escape!

(Sensei Wu jumps on top of the Fire Dragon's head as it reaches out of the lava. It roars angrily, making Nya scream. It seals the four inside the temple so that they would not escape.)

Kai: There's no way out! He's taken away all our options.

Sensei Wu: All but one. (Sensei Wu jumps onto a rock suspended on the lava.)

Kai: Sensei what are you doing?!

Kazashi: Wait...what?!

Garmadon: No, you fool!

Kai: What's he doing?

Kazashi: He talking to the sword in underworld!

Sensei Wu: He is right, It is my sacrifice to pay.

Kai: You don't have to do this! There has to be another way! (Sensei Wu drinks his last cup of tea before falling off to the Underworld.)

Kai & Kazashi: No!!

Garmadon: Then I will see you there, Brother! (His shadow follows Wu to the Underworld.)

Kai: This is all my fault. Sensei won't be able to hold up for long.

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