"I mean it is Wheeljack though. He could just blow the damn thing up,' Koda grumbled as she walked over to the other side of the table and looked down at the small chip. Looking up at the offlined mech, her gaze hardened into a glare.

A servo gently squeezed her shoulder, "We can worry about that tomorrow. For now, I suggest we return home."

"I agree, there is no more work that can be done. Again, I thank you for coming to this meeting at such a late time."

Optimus bid Alpha Trion farewell before opening a bridge for himself and Koda. The two walked through and walked right into their living room.

"I hope there are some clues as to who that mech was on that chip," Koda hummed as she resisted the urge to fall into the couch. Instead, she busied herself with washing the container that was in her servos.

"Indeed,"The red and blue mech's baritone voice was slightly muffled as he ate some of the now cooled alfredo. Honestly, Optimus didn't care if his meal was warm or cool. After millions of stellar cycles with just plain Energon cubes, he was just glad to make food again.

He heard a small giggle after the tap was shut off, "Wader."

"It's water."

"Yes, but we don't pronounce the 't'. Therefore, it is in fact wader."

"Koda, I think the exhaustion is getting to you again," Optimus knew that his mate would only begin to come up with jokes or attempt to tell a story. After a certain point, the femme would go from tired to crazy. It either took a while to get her to recharge or she would fall onto the berth and zonk out right then and there.

Quickly doing his dishes, the Prime started coaxing Koda upstairs to their berthroom.

On the way she yielded and looked around nervously, "I've lost my electron!"

Optimus' immediate response was a worried, "Are you sure?"

"Yes!..I'm positive."

His faceplate went dull and he just got Koda into the berth. She was laughing like there was no tomorrow it seemed.

"You gotta admit, that was good!" She chuckled as the red, brown and orange flannel duvet was brought over her.

"It was, well said."

Rising to his pedes Optimus walked around to his side of the berth. He'd already checked to make sure that the doors were locked. Everything would be good for tomorrow. Slipping under the warm covers, he remained sitting, he heard Koda's slow venting.

He'd been right, she fell right into recharge the moment she was in berth.

Leaning over he kissed her forehelm before settling in for recharge. An arm wrapped around her chassis, he carefully pulled her closer to him. Just slightly. It was a protective gesture, he knew she was there and safe.

With a final vent, the Prime let himself fall into recharge...


A howling wind reached his audials. Rising from the berth he noticed that his mate was still in recharge. He carefully moved the covers back over her, and realized she had more than usual. However he didn't take much notice of it.

Walking over to the window, he carefully moved the blinds aside and saw a large black cloud looming over the city of Iacon. A quick glance to his right, indicated it was located near Tetra Hex.

A bright flash blinded him, forcing the Prime to cover his optics for a short moment, till a loud boom filled the air.

The lightning coursed through the large dark cloud, it started white before fading into a blood red beam which faded into nothing.

*NOT FINISHING* Woman and Machine III (Pacific Rim & TFP)Where stories live. Discover now