17 - The cycle of anger

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Sitting alone in what seemed to be some sort of private room where only a low table and a rack with weapons sat along the wall opposite of you, you pressed the palms of your hands over your eyes, sighing.

You had been in this place for a couple of hours and you could have bet you had already made an enemy of half the camp, including Nanami's brother.

The door shuffled on your right and you rushed to your feet, watching as the blond yokai entered the room. He narrowed his eyes at you before taking a hesitant step towards you. "How do you feel ?" He asked and you noticed he had changed. His clothes now looking way more royal than the travelling clothes he had worn ever since you had left the doctor's home.

An elegant yukata sat on his body, blue and green.

You shrugged, your hands clasped at your back. "I know this situation can't be confortable for you but... Suguru.. I mean my brother, his hatred for your kind runs even deeper than mine. He's not the only one here who would be delighted to kill you just for being here."

"That's reassuring." You huffed. "But I get it Nanami, even though you've decided not to tell me exactly what is your side of the story." You crossed your arms on your chest and his face crumpled into something like annoyance, or anxiety, you were not sure.

"You have gone back to calling me Nanami." He said flatly as he got closer. "Why ?"

You felt your chest tighten and unconsciously took a step away from him as he kept going closer. "I don't know." You swallowed, not quite sure why you had this feeling that you absolutely needed to get away from him. "I just- maybe I'm a bit overwhelmed by all of this."

He paused at that, his eyes darting to your arms crossed then back to your face. "You are not telling me the truth."

Lips slightly trembling, you avoided his intense stare, heart hammering in your chest, guilt tugging at your belly. Yes, you were lying. The truth was that being here with his people not only frightened you because they were powerful beings that absolutely hated your kind but also because they had every right to. And he, would too, if he knew why you had come here.

And despite that, the truth burned the tip of your tongue, eager to let go of the heavy burden.

You let out a painful breathe and before you knew it, you were speaking. "Yes." You admitted. "I have been lying. Or at least I omitted to tell you some things."

Nanami sighed as he ran a hand in his pale hair, his face unreadable. Without saying anything, he motioned for you to sit in front of him, and he crossed his legs under him, his hands on his knees.

And you told him how you had been threatened to spy on him and his people, how you had thought you could do it to protect your sister but that it had barely taken a day with him to know you would never be able to do it. He did not say a word, only staring at you, the only sign of his annoyance, his fingers crumpling the fabric of his pants.

After spilling everything like an unstoppable flood, you realized you had not told him why Nia had chosen you to spy on him. Even though you had wanted to be honest with him, you knew deep down that if he knew you had been part of the very people that had definitely abused his people, he would cast you out, or even worse.

And there lied the ultimate truth : you could not fathom to be away from him. Maybe at some point you would realize this was just a futile and short attraction but for now, you counted his every breath, hated every seconds of silence stretching between the both of you, afraid he was going to say he hated you. But you did not say a word either after talking for long minutes, and waited, as if standing on the verge of a dangerous cliff, waiting to see if he was going to push you down.

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