3 - A taste of honey

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The blood, so black it surprised you, sputtered on your whole face. You had struck harder than you had thought or maybe he was just a weak demon – and the face he made staring at you as if you were a bug bothering him, let you guess it was not the latter.

His thin eyes narrowed on you and he inhaled sharply, as if he could smell the fear oozing from you and you felt your stomach flip at the thought that this was it, you were definitely going to die today. There was a buzzing sound in your left ear and you would not have noticed if the room was not so silent, it felt like you could hear the old man breathe on the other side of the room.

There was no earpiece in your ear so you knew it was not Naomi about to talk to you, but still— an unnerving chill ran all the way from your the back of your neck to your fingertips. You struggled against the grip the men on your sides still had on you, the moment a buzzing, screeching sound pierced the silence and sent you right to your knees as the men started to scream around you.

They let go of you and it took you a second to reach for the earpiece in your pocket and plug it in, blocking the sound.

There was movement around you and you noticed the men around the old man, blocking their ears with their hands pointing at you and then they spotted something down there through the glass window which made them frown and they started to move, the young blond man urging the old one to move. They walked past you as he gave you the creepiest smile.

You did not try to think about it longer and raised your head, having almost forgotten there was a literal demon in front of you. The breath you took went nowhere as your gaze found him. He was not moving and he slowly assessed his surroundings, not even looking at you. "I really don't have time for this." You read on his lips— as you noticed a train of blood running down from his ear— and before he could remember you were on the floor just before him you jumped on your feet, starting towards the door you had come from.

You did not even look back to see if anyone was following you as you ran down the stairs toward where you knew were the kitchens. Yaga could wait, your revenge could wait another 6 years. You needed to be alive to actually do anything against him. Now was the time to run for your life.

The place had been emptied from its people and you guessed the alarm must have made people flee the place.

Your burst in the kitchens, empty, the pots still fuming on the grills, full of things that smelled spicy and pretty yummy. Ignoring the hunger that settled in your body, remembering you had only eaten candies in the last 24 hours – you ran toward the two panels door at the end of the room, leading to the back of the club. Stumbling in an empty street, you took a deep breath, staggering before you put your back against a wall, allowing yourself a quick minute to think and breathe.

You needed to run but you had no stamina left in you, the Thansflux was a no go—if anyone was looking for you they would definitely start there. On the other hand, you knew what had been happening up there was definitely not legal. Those had been officials and obvious yakuzas doing some fucked up shit. You guessed you had just avoided some crazy demonic ceremony and you felt chills all over your body just thinking about it.

You had heard about those. You knew people sometimes went against the very laws of nature to form blood pact with demons or even worse to get something they desperately wanted, but you knew how dangerous it was. How unfair it was for the humans that tried to do it. Because it would often mean giving your soul or life. You did not know which was worse.

You placed your hand on your face, and wiping the mess splattered all over your face, and you licked your lips, wincing when you realized your bottom lip had split in two.

A sugary taste found its way all the way from your tongue to the back of your throat and you let out a surprised hiccup. You had understood that the smell, so intense and rich you had smelled before had been the pheromones of the crazy bureaucrat looking demon but you had not expected his blood to taste even better.

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