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While I play videogames with Killer and Cross, Horror burst in from the door In tears.

We all look at him concerned and worried.

Then I stand up and walk up to him.

"Horror what happened?" I say concerned,placing my hands on his cheeks to make him look at me.

Horror tried to speak,but his tears don't let him,so he just wraps his arms around me and cries on my shoulder.

I pat his back.

"Sh shhh... take your time.."
I comfort him.

Everybody looks at me in shock for the sudden act of affect I'm giving.

Usually I'm the cold hearted one,who makes fun(as joke) of the others and not good with feelings..but Horror...with him is different,because I really really like him.

Horror tears seem to calm down,so I lead him to the sofa and make him sit down.

Cross grabbed some paper tissues and gives them to him.

He wipes his tears away.

"Would you feel comfortable telling us what happened?" Killer says in a kind and caring tone.


"...cheated on me..."

"Oh my god...."
Cross says shocked,and he immediately hugs my hor- just horror.

Nightmare goes to the wall.
On the wall there is a whiteboard with the people banned from the castle.

People banned from the castle

The star shits

The boss grabs a marker and adds at the end of that list "Lust".

"I don't understand why did I even allow you and Killer to date people in the first place.
As soon as you told it was somebody out of this castle I should have declined"

"Boss,not only Killer and Horror! You forgot when Dust used to date Swap"
Adds Cross

"Hell nah! I don't want to think about that shit again! It was the worst-"

"Remember me why did you break up?"

"We saw that the relationship was toxic and so we decided to break up"

I look again at Horror.
I sit next to him and hug him.

He hugs back.

"Awww,you two look so cute" says Cross.

I give him a death stare.

"Oh cmon Dust! Cross is right!" Comments Killer.

"Guys shut up!" I say

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