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It's been a week since Killer left us.
The castle is silent without him going around,playing,pulling pranks and taking care of us in a childish way.
Everybody misses him.
Horror still makes him food,hoping for him to enter the door to eat his lunch and dinner.
Dust,even if he doesn't show it,misses Killer so much.
He was the only one that was able to calm Dust's hallucinations and panic attacks.
I...well.. Killer was my best friend...I wear all day one of the sweetshirt he gifted me at my b-day...
Killer used to give Error chocolate,yes,Error also misses Killer..
I think the most affected one ,other than me,is actually Nightmare.

Nightmare put so much trust in his used to be right hand man,but he got betrayed..
He's mad..but mostly sad...he cared about Killer...
..probably even more than how he cares about me...

He hasn't left his room there days so I am bringing him his dinner.

I open the door holding the food,and as I enter I see the room compleately destroyed.

Nightmare sitting at his desk with paper all over it and the floor.

He's trying to find out the Stars base so he can get Killer back.

"Nightmare?..I think you should rest for a while,maybe we can cuddle-"

"I have no time for fucking cuddles! I need to find killer!"

I feel a bit heartbroken when Nightmare said that.
"You had time for cuddles when Killer needed them tho."

"Well killer is!! It's another thing"

"And that thing is more important than me? Your boyfriend?" I say holding my tears..

Nightmare stays quiet for a while.
Then my eyes widen..

"Yes.." he says ashamed

"Then I think we should break up..."

I put the food down and leave the room,closing the door behind me.

Then I lean my back on the wall and slide down on the floor in tears..

From the other side of the door I hear Nightmare speak..

"I'm sorry Cross...I hope you'll find somebody who will be a better deserve it...I hope you don't leave me and the others too like Killer...but if you have all the right to leave the group.."

Of course I was not gonna leave the group...I'm just...devastated...but I still care...


After a while Nightmare was able to contact Dream.
They are meeting for have a talk.

On one side of the garden there are Dream and Ink,behind them Killer protected by Swap.

On the other side we have Nightmare,a bit behind Cross and behind them Dust and Horror.

"So,it must be obvious that we want Killer back"

"And we want a truce,as I already told you.
With the Truce,Killer will feel free to hang out with both of us,no betraying and no leaving anybody.
Sounds fair to me"says Dream.

The secret-Killer Sans(Killermare)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang