Shall Never Surrender

Start from the beginning

(y/n): I'm ready.

Pyrrha reached into her locker and grabbed a blue box with a red ribbon on it.

Pyrrha: here you go. I wanted to give this to you right when you woke up. I know this isn't a good time but...

(y/n): I don't care. Hey I just wanted to say sorry for the things I said. If that was you, I would've done the same.

He grabbed the box and began to remove the ribbon off it but Pyrrha stopped him.

Pyrrha: wait until you're home. Then open it.

(y/n): okay.

He put the box inside of his coat pocket.

(y/n): now let's get the hell out of here.

Pyrrha: okay.

They ran out of the school and went towards the city.


When they arrived into the nearby city and saw the chaos the invasion caused.

Pyrrha: an entire city, destroyed.

(y/n): these assholes are going to pay.

Pyrrha: we need to help them.

(y/n): yeah. We'll save anyone we can.

Pyrrha: got it.

They ran into the city and began to look around, trying to find people stuck in the city. There they saw a soldier stuck inside a destroyed restaurant and trying to hold off a group of Grimm. (y/n) quickly ran towards them and unsheathed the Yamato. He quickly killed them in one quick slash of the slash.

(y/n): I barely hit one.

Soldier: what are you still doing here?! You need to get going!

Pyrrha: where do we go?

Soldier: people are getting evacuated near the edge of town! Get going before you get killed!

Pyrrha: but where?

Soldier: east from here!

(y/n): what about others left behind?!

Soldier: leave the survivors to us! Just get out of here!

Pyrrha: let's just go!

(y/n): okay.

The two immediately began to run towards the evacuation. The city crumbled around them. They ran past a clock tower that broke apart and fell on top of them. Pyrrha used quicksilver to move out of the way but (y/n) used the Yamato to slice the falling rocks.

(y/n): I like this thing. I think I'm faster than I was before?

Pyrrha: hurry up!

(y/n): right!

He caught up to Pyrrha and they continued running through the chaos. Finally, the two made it to the evacuation point and saw their friends there with Ozpin.

Jaune: I promise I'll be safe.

Ruby: I know you will.

(y/n): what's going on?

Ozpin: perfect timing. Ms.Nikos, we still need to complete the transfer of the maiden's powers to you.

Pyrrha: I almost forgot.

Ozpin: we need to do this, if Salem gets her hands on her, it could mean the end of all life.

(y/n): she's not doing it!

Shall Never Surrender (Nero male reader X Pyrrha)Where stories live. Discover now