Shall Never Surrender

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At the tournament, Pyrrha was fighting Penny, using quicksilver to dodge her attacks. Suddenly Penny summoned a large bunch of swords. Pyrrha didn't know what to do and began to slash at her. That's when she realized that she sliced Penny.

Pyrrha: oh no.

Everyone was scrambling to stop the fight. Some people were leaving the arena out of fear others stayed to see what happened next. Suddenly a voice began to speak to the people.

???: now you all see, this was not an accident or a tragedy. This is what happens when you give your children to men who claim to be protectors. Instead they teach kids to spill the blood of their fellow students...

She stopped when a flash of light appeared in the center of the arena, from that light a humanoid Grimm stood holding a katana.

Grimm: from the moment I awakened, I heard a voice. It said power. I need power.

The Grimm had large, blue, spectral wings but they quickly disappeared and the humanoid turned into a blue specter that hovered behind (y/n), who looked fully healed.

Jaune: is that his...

Pyrrha: (y/n)?! You're awake!

The bringer glowed a brighter blue. In his hand was the Yamato. His eyes were glowing red again. Pyrrha ran up to him and gave him a hug. She began to cry into his chest. (y/n) began to pat her back trying to calm her down as he returned to normal.

(y/n): it's okay. I'm here for you.

Pyrrha: but how?

(y/n) looked at the fixed Yamato in his hand.

(y/n): I think it was this.

Pyrrha: you fixed it?

(y/n): yeah.

Pyrrha immediately slapped him.

(y/n): the hell was that for?!

Pyrrha: you could've been killed!

(y/n): I'm fine now!

Pyrrha: that doesn't matter! You could've died this time!

(y/n): I've been hurt worse! I don't need you to worry about every little injury I get!

Pyrrha: I have too! I swore to protect you and I fail every time you get hurt and I can't do anything!

(y/n): I'm not helpless! I can protect myself just fine!

The two argued for a while as the arena was quickly emptied with students running to their lockers and retrieveing their weapons.

Oobleck: I hate to interrupt your lover's quarrel but you need to gather your things and evacuate the city.

(y/n): right. Sorry sir.

Pyrrha: I know where your things are.

(y/n): yeah in my room.

Pyrrha: no. I had them moved into one of the lockers. Let me take you.

(y/n): lead the way.

He followed Pyrrha out of the arena and towards the locker room and led him through a crowd of people and stopped next to her locker.

Pyrrha: there it is.

(y/n): it's right next to yours.

Pyrrha: it was empty and...

He opened it and grabbed his weapons. He twirled Blue rose and holstered it at his side. He grabbed Blood Berry and twirled it for a moment before clipping it to his belt. He grabbed Aquila and clipped them on both sides of his belt. He grabbed the Red queen and sheathed it onto his back. He summoned the Yamato and held it in his left hand.

Shall Never Surrender (Nero male reader X Pyrrha)Where stories live. Discover now