Shall We Dance?

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It was the afternoon and (y/n) and Pyrrha were watching a movie at their dorm.

Pyrrha: so are you going to the dance?

(y/n): yes. I saw Jaune ask Ruby to go and I wanted to see how he does.

Pyrrha: he actually asked her?

(y/n): yep. Now let's keep watching the movie.

They went back to watching the movie. Suddenly, Ruby burst in holding two dresses.

Ruby: (y/n) I need your opinion on what dress looks good.

(y/n): I don't care pick whatever one you like.

Ruby: that's the thing I like them both and I'm...

(y/n): I don't know the white and red one.

Ruby: but this red one looks really good.

(y/n): then why did you ask for my opinion?

Ruby: I wanted to know what you thought. Besides you're not going to the dance anyway.

(y/n): what if I am?

Ruby: no way. You don't dance anymore.

Pyrrha: so you have danced before.

(y/n): okay Ruby, you had your time, now get out.

Ruby sighed and left the room.

(y/n): let's get back to the movie.

Pyrrha: why don't you dance anymore?

He looks away with a look of sadness.

(y/n): I...things happened. That's all.

5 years ago

It was the beginning of summer on the island of Fortuna and a young (y/n) was with his friend Kyrie.

(y/n): so are you surprised to see me this early?

Kyrie: yes.

(y/n): so what do you want to do?

Kyrie: well let's head to my house. There's something I wanted to get.

The two walked to Kyrie's house and she knocked on the door.

Credo: there you are sis. Come-on you need to get ready.

Kyrie: I forgot the ball is tonight.

(y/n): ball?

Credo: the church is having a ball to commemorate the first day of summer.

Kyrie: and our family was invited!

(y/n): how am I just hearing about this?

Kyrie: you're never here at the beginning of summer.

(y/n): oh. Well if you guys are going to the ball we can just do stuff tomorrow.

Kyrie: you know you can come with us.

(y/n): I can?

Credo: I'll ask mom about it but I think you can.

(y/n): I guess I'll start getting ready.

Credo: we'll come get you.

(y/n): see you guys later.

(y/n) ran down the road to his grandmother's house.

grandma: you're home early. What happened?

(y/n): Kyrie and Credo are going to the Ball tonight.

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